Tell us what is affecting you in your workplace.
Held in November every year, TUC Young Workers Month is a time where unions highlight the important issues facing young workers. It is an opportunity to recruit and organise even more young members to help us win better working conditions and build a stronger union.
This pandemic has highlighted the inequalities and injustices facing young workers in the workplace. We already know that young workers are more likely to be on insecure contracts and are therefore more likely to suffer by not being able to secure work, having poor terms and conditions and being paid less for the same job. UNISON are running a campaign, ‘One Wage Any Age’, for all workers to be paid the real living wage – you can read more about it here.
We want to elevate young workers and amplify their voices during Young Workers Month. Tell us your experiences of working through the pandemic and the issues you face at work. At a time with so much uncertainty, it is more important than ever that young workers have their voices heard. Tell us your story using the form below, and we’ll include it in our communications and campaigning during Young Workers Month.
We’d like to hear from young members about their experiences of working during the pandemic.
Leave us a few details, and someone will get back to you if we need any more information.
We’ll feature some of these stories on our website and regional social media.