UNISON has welcomed the announcement by the University of Winchester that workers on fixed-term contracts will no longer be excluded from the Local Government Pension Scheme.
The decision by the University came following a lobbying campaign led by UNISON Hampshire branch, who had argued against the University’s unfair practice of only allowing employees on permanent contracts into the LGPS.
For fixed-term workers who were paying into the inferior HEDCS pension scheme, the University will now pay a lump sum to cover the difference between the employer’s contributions should they join the LGPS. In the future all fixed-term workers will be given the opportunity to join the LGPS, from day one of their employment.
UNISON workplace representative Rory Elliott said
“Fixed term workers should be treated fairly and equitably with their colleagues on permanent contracts. Today’s U-turn by the University is a great victory for our members, and proves there is power in a union.”
For more news and information on pensions, visit the UNISON Knowledge Base