On Monday February 20, to coincide with UN World Day of Social Justice, a migrant group call “One Day without Us” is inviting for 24 hours migrants from inside and outside the European Union, and everyone who supports them, to celebrate the contribution that migrants make to British Society. They are not asking people to take illegal strike action or breach their terms of employment.
UNISON is supporting the initiative and asks branches and activists to talk to their migrant members and engage in celebratory events at work or in the community.
If members can’t take time out from their normal activities, there’s always something else to do, such as wearing badges and armbands, hold mini-demos at lunchtime or at tea-time stand outside their place of work for ten minutes or an hour. Unlike a national rally, wide ranging and inclusive activities across workplaces, towns and communities will have more effect. For more information and ideas please check their webpage – http://www.1daywithoutus.org/
Calendar of events near you – http://www.1daywithoutus.org/feb20/
UNISON has joined campaign groups the New Europeans and the3million, to organise a day of action at Westminster on 20 February to support citizens of other EU countries who live and work in the UK, many of whom are UNISON members.
The parliamentary drop-in session will take place in the Palace of Westminster, in Committee Room 14 from 2.00pm to 4.00pm and Committee Room 9 from 4.00pm to 6.00pm. How to join the lobby.
Hope not Hate are organising a corresponding weekend of action on 18/19 February, you can sign up to take part at Hope not Hate. They are also encouraging a more reasoned debate on immigration, one that is taking place in our communities rather than being lead by politicians. Even if you are not able to participate in the weekend of action, or the lobby on the 20th, you may still be able to take a lead in workplace conversations on immigration. Hope not Hate have some good conversation openers in their leaflet. Some people do hold challenging views on immigration, but if we can listen to their viewpoint and respond rationally then we can encourage sensible debate in our communities.