To celebrate the 100 years of the vote for women, Maggie Judd – branch secretary of Reigate and Banstead local government branch – organised a free showing of the film Suffragette on Monday 5 February at the Harlequin Theatre in Redhill.
Over £400 was raised through the event for the women’s refuge in Redhill. In addition to this, Maggie also organised a cake sale and lunch time quiz which took place the following day, on Tuesday 6 February, the day when the legislation was enacted 100 years ago to give some women the right to vote. This event generated over £250 for a local domestic abuse charity.
Later on the same day Maggie, Helen (who is a branch steward) and Laura Webster, UNISON Area Organiser, went to the only street in the country named after Emily Davison who died after being hit by the Kings horse at the Epsom Derby in 1913.
Maggie said:
“it was a great day for us all. We all wore ‘vote for women’ sashes and some of us even dressed up for the showing of the film. We have certainly celebrated this anniversary and on the actual day which is great. Everyone here at Reigate Council enjoyed it”