Welcome to our new regular column where we’ll be interviewing members from schools across the South East to find out more about you and where you work.
If you’d like to be featured in a future edition, drop me a line at p.young@unison.co.uk.
1. Name: Karen Lyons
2. How long have you worked in your school: approx 11 years
3. How long have you been a member of UNISON: I am a steward and have been a member over 7 years.
4. What is your role? I am a Lunch Time Supervisor
5. How old is your school? The school is just about to celebrate its 50th anniversary!
6. How many pupils does your school have? There are approx 270 pupils in the school.
7. What is the best thing about working at your school? It is a joy and a privilege to work with children, especially of this age group
8. What is the best joke a pupil has ever told you? I am not good at remembering jokes, however, some comments from the children stay with me. One slightly nervous child once described me as ‘Mrs Potato’, on account of the coat I was wearing, a faux sheepskin of a tan colour, with a white fluffy interior. Which apparently looked like a jacket potato … which I found hilarious! They also named one of my colleagues, ‘Mrs Broccoli’, I have no idea why. We sometimes refer to each other as Mrs Potato and Mrs Broccoli. I don’t know who or what was the main course!
9. What would you recommend from the school canteen? I would most certainly recommend the Wednesday roast dinner. All the children, who have school dinners really appreciate it. Closely followed by ‘Fishy Friday’.
10. What is the school motto? The school motto is BELIEVE.
11. What are the biggest challenges you think your school will face in the near future? I am not privy to the school financial arrangements. But I would think, like any other public sector body, that the school is constrained by austerity. However, this school is in an affluent area, and well supported by parents.
12. What would you say to somebody who is thinking of joining UNISON? I would say ‘We all need a little help from our friends. Unions are there to help!’