Branches and Self Organised Groups in the region may make nominations to the following positions, which will be elected at the Regional Council AGM in February each year.
All nominations are general – unless otherwise stated. General seats can be occupied by a full UNISON member from the South East region of any gender. Low paid seats must be occupied by women earning less than £11.80 per hour.
Elected Positions
UNISON regional positions
- Regional Convenor
- Deputy Convenor (2 nominations)
- Co-Chairs of Education, Training & Development Committee (2, at least one must be a woman)
- Co-Chairs of Finance Committee (2, at least one must be a woman)
- Co-Chairs of Publicity and Campaigning Committee (2, at least one must be a woman)
- Regional Auditor
UNISON national positions
- National Standing Orders Committee
- National Subscriptions Appeals Panel
LESE Regional Council (Regional TUC)
- one general nomination
UNISON South East Regional Committees (Strategic, Standing, and Sub-Groups)
Regional Committee
- women’s seat
- general seat
- low paid seat
Education, Training & Development Committee
- women’s seat
- general seat
Finance Committee
- women’s seat
- general seat
Publicity & Campaigning Committee
- women’s seat
- general seat
Health & Safety Committee
- women’s seat
- general seat
International Relations Committee
- women’s seat
- general seat
Welfare Committee
- women’s seat
- general seat
Regional Standing Orders Committee
- women’s seat
- general seat
Other conferences and events
Regional Representatives to UNISON National Delegate Conference 2022
- women’s seat
- general seat
Regional Representatives to TUC Congress 2022
- women’s seat
- general seat