UNISON has a proud history of providing quality training and education courses for all elected Branch Officers and union members.
We have put together a16-day programme of training which we recommend to all new Branch Women’s Officers, to help you understand your role and help you acquire the knowledge and skills to support and advise members and your branch on women’s rights issues.
Module 1 should be completed first but after that, you can choose to study Modules 2-7 in whatever order suits you.
Branch Women’s Officer (3 days)
This course is aimed at newly elected Branch Women’s Officers and will provide you with a brief overview of some of the issues that affect women in the workpalce and society. It will equip you with the knowledge and resources you’ll need to assist members. By the end of the course you will have a good knowledge of UNISON structures and principles of proportionality and fair representation.
- UNISON principles of equality and Self-Organisation
- UNISON structure and your branch
- The role of Branch Women’s Officer
- Sex discrimination and the Equality Act (2010)
- Developing campaigns on women’s issues
Women’s History Part 1 (3 days)
This course is aimed at all women members who are interested in learning more about the history of women’s struggles for eqaulity at home, in society, in law, at work and internationally.
- Women’s suffrage
- Women and politics
- Women’s history timeline
- Gender stereotyping and misrepresentation in the media
- History of women workers and trade unions
Pregnancy and Maternity Rights (2 days)
This course is aimed at Branch Women’s Officers and women Stewards. Maternity rights in teh UK can be extremely complicated. This course will provide information aboutn the current legislation and how trade unions have negotiated improved maternity policies for members over the years.
- Introduction to the law relating to Maternity Rights
- Comparing statutory with negoatiated contractual rights
- Case studies
- Opportunities for negotiating improvements to contractual agreements
- Campaigning to improve maternity, paternity and parental rights
Domestic Abuse & Violence Against Women (3 days)
This course is aimed at Branch Women’s Officers, women Welfare Officers and women Health and Safety reps, but it is essential training for all.
- Dispelling the myths about domestic abuse
- Why domestic abuse is a trade union issue
- Negotiating workplace domestic abuse policies
- Providing information and support to members
- Raising awarenesss and campaigning to end violence against women
Introduction to Equal Pay (1 day)
This course is aimed at Branch Women’s Officers and women Stewards who are interested in knowing more about identifying pay inequalities in pay adn grading structures.
- Equal Pay timeline
- The law
- Campaigning for eqaul pay
Sex Discrimination in the Workplace (2 days)
This course is aimed at Branch Women’s Officers and women Stewards who would like to be more familiar with eqaulity legislation and the 4 legal forms of sex discrimination.
- Attitudes, behaviour and language
- Examining workplace cultures
- Equality Act (2010)
- Workplace policies
Women, Work and Health (2 days)
This course is aimed at Branch Women’s Officers, women Health and Safety reps and other women members interested in learning more about, and raising the profile, of women’s health and safety at work.
- Problems of health and safety at work
- Identifying women’s health and safety concerns
- Women’s health and safety in the workplace
- Risk assessments
- Negotiating for the inclusion of women’s health and safety issues in workplace contracts