UNISON is committed to achieving equality for all by fighting disability discrimination and campaigning to remove barriers to employment in the workplace.
Through self organisation disabled members help the Union to identify and challenge discrimination. This helps build equality throughout the work of the Union. It can also be a valuable way for members to get involved in the union, develop skills, expertise and confidence.
Each Branch can elect a Disabled Members’ Officer and set up a self organised group.
The south east disabled members committee meets four times a year including the annual general meeting, where disabled members representatives are elected on to the committee. Representatives are also elected to attend UNISON’s National Disabled Members Conference on behalf of the Region.
A training weekend is held each year to provide representatives with the skills to promote issues relating to disability within their branch, as well as identifying barriers that may prevent disabled members from participating fully both at work and within the Union’s own structures.
Any member who defines themselves as disabled can be elected on to the Committee, or attend training.
An action plan for the year is agreed at the AGM and the committee members and regional organiser aim to achieve the objectives and priorities set out each year.
View the Year of the Disabled Worker Toolkit for Branches
Visit the national Disabled Members’ site