30 June – 2 July 2023
VOCO Oxford Spires Hotel, Abingdon Road, Oxford OX1 4PS
The region’s BIG Weekend is back and even BIGGER than before!
This is the region’s largest event of the year, bringing together brand new and more experienced activists from across the South East for networking, training, and planning.
The event combines three of our largest annual regional events – the Branch Officers Training Weekend, our former Regional Strategy Weekend, and Regional Council – to create the biggest gathering of South East activists outside of National Delegate Conference!
The weekend is all about networking, making new friends, and catching up with colleagues, whilst sharing ideas and learning from the experience of others. This is our BIG event for the year, you won’t want to miss it!
How to apply
The BIG Weekend has strictly limited places, so you’ll want to book at soon as possible! You can download an application form below, you will need your branch to approve your application.
This is a residential event and delegates will be booked accommodation for either 1 night or 2 nights, depending on whether they attend the Branch Officers Training (2 nights) or Strategy Workshops (1 night). Branches are responsible for registration costs, delegate travel and other expenses.
Download the UNISON The BIG Weekend Application Form
Completed forms should be returned to educationse@unison.co.uk
Closing date for applications: 2 June 2023
Registration and partner costs for the event are detailed on the application form.
Timetable (subject to change)
The weekend kicks off with the Regional Council meeting followed by a drinks reception and our awards celebration dinner. Guest speakers will present awards to branches who have gone the extra mile this year, before we dance the night away!
Delegates must then follow a pathway: Branch Officers Training (2 nights) or Strategy Workshops (1 night).
Branch Officers Training is aimed at newly elected branch officer and will run until Sunday lunchtime. The Strategy Workshops are aimed at more experienced activists and will be half day workshops, featuring an exciting and diverse range of topics to help take your organising to the next level!
Please note that if you are booked onto Strategy Workshops then you will NOT be able to attend the Branch Officer training.
Friday 30 June
Regional Council Meeting – 12noon – 4pm, including lunch
Big Weekend registration opens – 4.30pm – 5.30pm
Drinks reception – 5.30pm – 6.00pm
Celebration dinner and awards ceremony – 6.30pm – 9.00pm
Disco – 9.00pm – late
Saturday 1 July
Branch Officer Training – 9.30am – 4.30pm, including lunch
Strategy Workshops – 9.30am – 4.30pm, including lunch
Event ends at 4.30pm for Strategy workshop delegates
Branch Officers only: Dinner and quiz – 5.30pm – 9.00pm
Sunday 2 July
Branch officers courses – 9.30am – 12.30pm
Lunch – 12.30pm – 1.30pm
Event ends at 1.30pm for Branch Officer delegates
Regional Council
The second Regional Council meeting of 2023 will take place on Friday afternoon of the BIG Weekend.
All registered delegates to Regional Council will be invited to the meeting in the usual way, but please consider attending the BIG Weekend as a delegate.
We encourage all BIG weekend delegates to attend the Regional Council meeting.
Branch Officers Training
These courses are aimed at newly elected branch officers, or Branch Officers who missed the training last year.
Please note you can only do one course and cannot mix and match with the Strategy Workshops.
Branch Officer Courses:
- Branch Secretary
- Branch Chair
- Health & Safety Officer
- Equality Officer
- Education Coordinator
- Women’s officer
- Communications Officer
Strategy Workshops
These courses are aimed at ALL activists.
Delegates will be asked to chose TWO courses. Workshops are still being finalised and are subject to change. Likely subjects include:
- Organising around the cost of living
- Social media skills and creating digital content for campaigns
- Getting the most out of Year of Black Workers
- Breaking the 50% threshold for industrial action
Please note you can only opt to do a Branch Officers course OR the workshop sessions, not both.