Search Campaigns, Pages, News and Blogs tagged Finance

Number of families with problem debt up by more than a quarter since 2012, new report reveals

The number of households with problem debt has increased by 700,000 (28 per cent) since 2012, according to new TUC and UNISON-commissioned research published today (Tuesday).   The report, Britain in the Red, shows that in 2014 one in eight households (3.2 million) were over-indebted compared to one in ten (2.5 million) in 2012.   […]

News, Press release on the UNISON National site.

Strategic committees

Responsible for detailed work on the right strategy to reach UNISON’s goals are three strategic committees. Campaigns, communications and political development Campaign effectively to secure high quality public services Ensure clear lines of communication between members and their union representatives, and vice versa Get the region’s voice heard in policy debates at a local and national […]

Page on the UNISON South West site.

The year ahead: this is what we’ll be doing

UNISON members from the union’s executive look ahead at what we can expect, and what your union is planning, for the next 12 months

Article, Magazine on the UNISON National site.

UNISON Regional Pool and Campaign Fund

Bidding for extra funds Bids can be made from Branches and committees and applications are considered by the Finance and Resources committee (F&R). The Regional Pool fund The regional pool is an allocation of members’ subscriptions that has been set aside to support the work of UNISON branches, committees, groups and forums within the South […]

Page on the UNISON South West site.

Branch resources review makes progress

The review group, made up of 24 senior UNISON members, met for the third time on 6 February

Article on the UNISON National site.