Search Media, News and Blogs tagged fair funding for local government

North East councils face “dire” cash crisis totalling more than £133m, says UNISON

Councils across the North East have a hole in their finances exceeding £133m collectively for the coming financial year, making it extremely likely they will have to make huge cuts in essential services and jobs, says a report published today (Friday) by UNISON. The figures, based on financial information gathered from local authorities across the North East show […]

Article on the UNISON Northern site.

Ministers must fix council funding to avoid ​”catastrophic cuts”

The union has analysed the impact of the £10bn ​'funding gap​' for 2020/21, which amounts to a 21% reduction in spending compared to the previous financial […]

News, Press release on the UNISON National site.

Dire Welsh council funding threatens local services

The dire state of funding councils threatens public services such as adult care, road maintenance, libraries, leisure centres and food hygiene inspection and even the collapse of some councils

News, Press release, Uncategorized on the UNISON Cymru/Wales site.

Give all councils greater share of business rates to fund social care, says UNISON

All local authorities in England should be allowed to keep a greater share than they do currently of business rates so they can afford to fund social care properly, says UNISON today (Wednesday). The union is urging the government to grant councils better terms along similar lines to a deal agreed earlier this month with […]

Article, News on the UNISON South East site.

Have you watched your local public services disappear?

Have you watched your local public services disappear and wondered how this represents progress? It might be that the library is cutting back on its opening hours; or the household waste centre has shut and so has the youth club or there’s no money to refurbish the local sports centre. Neighbours who find it difficult […]

Article, News on the UNISON Cymru/Wales site.

Final push to improve budget

  UNISON will today (30 November), present its petition, to a Welsh Assembly Petitions Committee, calling for fair funding of local government. The union has collected signatures from council workers across the length and breadth Wales to pressurise the Welsh Government, as it finalises its budget today, to give the country the public services it […]

News, Press release on the UNISON Cymru/Wales site.