Search Pages, Text Modules, News and Blogs tagged social work

The State of Social Work 2022

P.S. Did you know that the UNISON College has lots of online courses for social workers? Here's some further information so you can find our […]

Page on the UNISON East Midlands site.

Social workers at breaking point with half at risk of quitting, warns UNISON

Unacceptable levels of pressure on social work teams will end up costing lives.

News, Press release on the UNISON National site.

UNISON launches new manifesto for social work

Move comes on International Social Work Day and explores both the state of social work in the UK today and the union’s hopes for the future

Article, News on the UNISON National site.

Social workers are overworked but the data is hiding it

“Children and family social work has always been a challenging and busy field, however after 20 years I feel I can say that I have never seen things this bad.”

Article, P.S data on the UNISON National site.

UNISON backs petition to protect children’s care rights in England

Members and the public are urged to back the call to ‘protect the rights of vulnerable children and care leavers’ from plans in new bill

Article, News on the UNISON National site.

Training with YGAM

UNISON has arranged three online workshops for members with YGAM (Young Gamblers & Gamers Education Trust) aimed at members working with young people, from primary aged children all the way up to university aged young adults. YGAM are a UK charity and the online training sessions they will be delivering are designed to equip you with the knowledge and resources to […]

Page on the UNISON College site.

Learning for social workers

On this page you’ll find a compilation of training available to enable you to continue to develop in terms of your work, your personal skills and your mental health and wellbeing. Training and development is a great way to keep your brain active and your spirits up. The CPD focus will stand you in good […]

Page on the UNISON College site.

Setting Kasibba free

The team leader of the Social Work Team of the Year testifies to the impact an integrated approach can have in the care system

Behind the headlines, Magazine, UNISON people on the Magazine site.

South Gloucestershire workers continue strike dispute

Social workers and occupational therapists are taking their fourth and fifth days of strike action this week

Article on the UNISON National site.

Social workers say no to national assessment scheme

Union’s local government conference hears call to boycott government’s controversial new scheme

Article on the UNISON National site.

LGA survey shows social workers are struggling to cope

The government must give councils the cash they need to recruit more child protection staff and keep all children safe

News, Press release on the UNISON National site.

Social workers reject government reforms as unsafe, says UNISON

Government plans to reform the delivery of children’s social care have been overwhelmingly rejected by practising social workers in a new report published today (Wednesday) by UNISON. UNISON says the proposals could prove dangerous for children and fail to tackle any of the fundamental problems social workers deal with on a daily basis. UNISON says […]

News, Press release on the UNISON National site.

Social workers need clear support to handle stress and workload

UNISON welcomes report from University of East Anglia on ’emotional intelligence and burnout’ in child and family social work

Article, News on the UNISON National site.

Delegates vow to fight against social work privatisation

Delegates queue up to reveal the scale of the crisis affecting a vital service

Article, News on the UNISON National site.

UNISON joins social work campaign

Campaigners unite to condemn impact of austerity and welfare cuts on the most vulnerable in our society

Article on the UNISON National site.