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Negotiating around member learning workshop

11 May 2024
Wyboston Lakes, Great North Road, Bedford, MK44 3AL

As part of the UNISON Eastern One Weekend 2024, we are offering a series of workshops to help members and activists get to grips with specific topics. This workshop is for union learning reps, branch education co-ordinators and UNISON activists wanting to find out more about and get involved in negotiating and organising around member […]

Event on the UNISON Eastern site.

Writing skills

Most assignments will ask you to demonstrate your academic objectivity and to show this in the form of an […]

Page on the UNISON College site.


Why do we need to take notes? Note-taking can help to focus your attention on what you are reading, watching or listening to and stop your mind from wandering. It can also help you make sense of what you are learning and when working on a piece of writing, such as an essay or a […]

Page on the UNISON College site.

Finding a new job

It might be your choice, or it might be something that circumstances have forced you to do.  You may be looking at a complete change of career. There […]

Page on the UNISON College site.

Getting into formal learning

The idea of formal study can be daunting, particularly if it’s been a while since you were last in a classroom – and perhaps didn’t enjoy the experience then. UNISON learning aims to help you take the next step on the road to where you want to be. What would you like to do? I’d […]

Page on the UNISON College site.

Looking ahead with UNISON learning

With holiday season upon us, many of us are breathing a sigh of relief and taking a break before we look ahead to the rest of the year. And there’s plenty to look forward to this autumn. We’re continuing to expand our online learning offer for UNISON members and for UNISON activists. Free online learning […]

Learning News on the UNISON College site.

Online training for management and leadership

Please find below a selection of some online and distance training to enable you to continue to develop in terms of your work and your personal skills in management and leadership roles. Training and development is a great way to keep your brain active and your spirits up. The CPD focused courses we have compiled […]

Page on the UNISON College site.

“The impact is immense”

In this guest blog Carol McGrath, UNISON learning project worker in Leeds, explains why union learning is so important to her. I have always had a passion for lifelong learning and I strongly believe learning enables people to live a happier and fulfilled life. A few years ago, happy with my career path and content […]

Learning News on the UNISON College site.

Where will you go in 2023?

2022 has been an exciting year for us – seeing the launch of UNISON College at National Delegate Conference and the return of our own ULR conference to UNISON Centre, with the introduction of new courses for members and for activists, and the trial of a careers information, advice and guidance service (read on for […]

Learning News on the UNISON College site.

A trade unionist reading list

A few weeks ago one of our UNISON learning reps asked us if there was a ‘reading list’ of recommended books with a trade union angle. Well, there wasn’t… so we asked on social media, and UNISON members, activists, staff, and allies all gave us brilliant suggestions. So here they are. As with any reading […]

Learning News on the UNISON College site.

Get your assertiveness groove on!

February’s Skills Club course is Assertiveness skills certification provided by the Skills Academy. UNISON pays for members’ access to Skills Academy catalogue. You just need to apply for an account on the UNISON website and you are good to kick off learning. Assertiveness is about behaviours and ways to communicate. Developing your assertiveness skills helps […]

Learning News on the UNISON College site.

Join the UNISON Skills Club!

There’s no need to create a new you for the new year! Join UNISON’s Skills Club instead and learn new skills. You can top up your continuous professional development (CPD) or learn for fun and find new interesting topics to explore. Each month from January onwards UNISON will curate an online course for the Skills […]

Learning News on the UNISON College site.

As we approach the end of 2021…

Looking back We’d like to say a big thank you… To UNISON members, for keeping our public services running through a second challenging year. To UNISON activists, for supporting our members in the challenges they’ve faced at work, standing up for workers’ rights. To UNISON learning reps and lifelong learning coordinators, for opening up learning […]

Learning News on the UNISON College site.

WULF: the first nine months

WULF? The Wales Union Learning Fund project. It’s been part of UNISON Cymru/Wales for nine months now, and great things are happening. Project workers Jenny Griffin and Richard Speight explain: We’re continuing to put on courses all over Wales for those working in schools, health or social care. Our current Social Care Programme has seen […]

Learning News on the UNISON College site.

U Learn 2019

UNISON’s U Learn magazine is always packed with good news about learning, new training initiatives, and the phenomenal work that our learning reps do. This summer’s edition is no exception. You can read about… … UNISON member James’s journey through a mental health crisis and recovery through creative writing … how Dorset UNISON branch marked […]

Learning News on the UNISON College site.