Search News and Blogs, Pages tagged NHS

UNISON launches #ChooseWellChampion campaign in ‘groundbreaking initiative’

Largest NHS union puts its weight behind Welsh government’s Choose Well call

Article, News on the UNISON Cymru/Wales site.

Health minister praises UNISON listening campaign

Union wins praise from Welsh government minister for identifying concerns at Betsi Cadwaladr hospitals

News, Press release on the UNISON Cymru/Wales site.

UNISON health members deliver damning verdict on government’s 3% increase

Health workers in England – angry that rising costs have already wiped out their recent pay rise – have voted to oppose the government over the 3% increase, says UNISON today. Publishing the results of a consultation exercise that ran over the summer, UNISON says the overwhelming majority (80%) of health workers are not happy […]

News on the UNISON Eastern site.

On the road for NHS pay

Regional secretary Tim Roberts reports back from UNISON Eastern pay battle bus in his latest blog

News, Regional Secretary’s Blog on the UNISON Eastern site.

NHS strikes paused after new pay offer

Planned East of England strikes for 20 March have been put on pause after the government made a new offer in the long-running dispute over NHS pay. After two weeks of frantic negotiations, ministers have offered an additional one-off lump sum for 2022/23 that rises in value up the NHS pay bands. This is worth […]

Article, News on the UNISON Eastern site.

A bumper year for our ambulance branch

2021 was a tricky time for recruiting and many branches across the union struggled to maintain the growth of the last few years. But our East of England Ambulance Service branch managed a bumper year, with a net gain of more than 150 members over 2021. Branch chair Glenn Carrington (pictured) explained how the groundwork […]

Article, News on the UNISON Eastern site.

Strikes across the NHS edge closer as latest industrial action ballot begins

Around 350,000 NHS employees, working for more than 250 health trusts and boards across England, Wales and Northern Ireland, are being asked to vote for strike action over pay this winter from today, says UNISON. Porters, nurses, security guards, paramedics, cleaners, midwives, occupational therapists and other NHS staff across the rest of the UK join […]

News, Press release on the UNISON Eastern site.

Essex hospital staff celebrate parking victory

Hospital workers in Essex are celebrating after health bosses promised to keep staff parking free for several more months. Mid and South Essex NHS Foundation Trust had wanted to reintroduce staff parking charges — suspended during the pandemic — from 1 August but has now told UNISON it will put the brakes on its plans […]

News, Press release on the UNISON Eastern site.

‘It feels like everything has changed apart from us’

We talk to paramedic Trish Tippett about being the face of UNISON’s No Going Back to Normal campaign

Article, News on the UNISON Eastern site.

North West Anglia NHS ‘bucking the trend’ towards safer hospital food

North West Anglia NHS Foundation Trust’s move to outsource catering puts it at odds with other hospitals and the Health Secretary when it comes to food hygiene, unions UNISON and Unite warn today. The Trust, which runs Hinchingbrooke, Peterborough and Stamford & Rutland hospitals, wants to sell around 70 staff in catering, cleaning, portering and […]

News, Press release on the UNISON Eastern site.

‘We were there every minute to support your loved ones’ – NHS workers speak out on pay

NHS workers have been lauded as heroes during the pandemic, with government ministers proudly standing on their doorsteps to clap our keyworkers. But when UNISON and our sister health unions asked them to turn claps into cash and give NHS staff a long overdue pay rise, there was rather less support. We’re fighting to change […]

Article, News on the UNISON Eastern site.

Senior paramedic lays bare the pressures ambulance staff face

With ambulance staff facing an unprecedented crisis, EEAS UNISON branch chair Glenn Carrington was invited on to the BBC’s PM programme to explain how workers are coping. "It's terrible. We're on our knees, it's absolutely terrible." Listen to @UnisonEEAS chair Glenn explain what's happening to the ambulance service on the PM programme. — UNISON […]

Article, News on the UNISON Eastern site.

NHS staff protest outside Colchester Hospital on day they should have received a pay rise

NHS staff from across the East of England are protesting outside Colchester Hospital today on the day that NHS staff should have received a pay rise. Government delays mean that nurses, porters, healthcare assistants and other NHS employees in England, Wales and Northern Ireland will not get a wage increase until May at the earliest. […]

News, Press release on the UNISON Eastern site.

East of England NHS workers appeal for public support on pay

Health workers across the east of England are appealing to the public this week to back their campaign so NHS staff can receive a proper pay rise before the summer, says UNISON today. Over the next few days, hospital porters, clerical workers, cleaners, nurses, healthcare assistants and other NHS staff will be urging people to […]

News, Press release on the UNISON Eastern site.

We’re not shutting up about pay

Tim Roberts explains why UNISON will keep talking about – and acting on – poor pay in our public services

News, Regional Secretary’s Blog on the UNISON Eastern site.