Search Pages, Media, Events tagged social work

The State of Social Work 2022

Earlier this year, UNISON’s social worker members were invited to take part in a regional survey to find your priorities and to build up a picture of what life is really like for social workers on the front line. Thank you to all our members who took part. We also undertook research of regional employers […]

Page on the UNISON East Midlands site.

Training with YGAM

UNISON has arranged three online workshops for members with YGAM (Young Gamblers & Gamers Education Trust) aimed at members working with young people, from primary aged children all the way up to university aged young adults. YGAM are a UK charity and the online training sessions they will be delivering are designed to equip you with the knowledge and resources to […]

Page on the UNISON College site.

Learning for social workers

On this page you’ll find a compilation of training available to enable you to continue to develop in terms of your work, your personal skills and your mental health and wellbeing. Training and development is a great way to keep your brain active and your spirits up. The CPD focus will stand you in good […]

Page on the UNISON College site.

UNISON Seminar on Social Work

23 September 2023 10:30am–4:00pm
UNISON Centre, 130 Euston Road, London, NW1 2AY

This charge covers refreshments, lunch, and administrative costs for the event. A creche will be available. Branches can book delegates places at the seminar by using […]

Event on the UNISON National site.