Search Pages, News and Blogs tagged pay up now

Blog: Fighting for pay across the union

Pay is coming to a head and we need all of our members and activists to take part in every ballot and every consultation

General Secretary, General Secretary's blog on the UNISON National site.

An early wage rise for health workers in the South East would improve morale

UNISON is again calling for an early and significant wage increase for all NHS workers of at least £2,000

Article on the UNISON South East site.

Blog: This cynical, divisive kick in the teeth

Many of the public service workers in the so-called ‘red wall’ seats that we spoke to told us that they had felt forgotten – and […]

General Secretary's blog on the UNISON National site.

Turn appreciation and applause for NHS staff into an early wage rise

Public want health pay rise straight away

Article, News on the UNISON East Midlands site.

Police staff vote for pay rise

Staff in England and Wales give 93% ‘yes’ vote for 2.5% pay rise – or 3.1% for those on the lowest rate

News on the UNISON National site.

Members travel to Downing Street to demand living wage

Birmingham unions and council join forces to demand funding for 10% pay rise and £10 an hour minimum

News on the UNISON National site.

Welsh council workers 22 per cent poorer over last decade

Three of Britain’s biggest unions will today hold a lobby for a fair pay rise outside the Welsh Local Government Association

Press release on the UNISON Cymru/Wales site.

Hospital catering workers strike on May Day

Outsourced Doncaster and Bassetlaw hospital members plan 11 days of strikes in May to win health service pay rise

News on the UNISON National site.

Pay Up Now – For Higher Education

You deserve a pay rise and UNISON is campaigning for a real pay rise, that both keeps up with inflation and catches up with the shortfall from years of […]

Article, News on the UNISON Northern site.

It’s time to end poverty wages and exploitative practices

‘The only people who will deliver for social care workers are this union,’ conference delegates hear

Article on the UNISON National site.

Wythenshawe Sodexo staff win NHS pay rates

Moves toward industrial action ballot see Manchester hospital’s facility staff welcome in the new year with a pay boost

News on the UNISON National site.

Scotland’s local government members reject pay offer

Consultative ballot sees 79% vote against 3% offer and 67% vote in in favour of moving to industrial action

Article on the UNISON National site.

Public shows support for university workers facing pay cut

University of Leicester security workers’ petition attracts nearly 1,000 signatures in days – why not add your support?

Article, News on the UNISON National site.

Bolton hospital staff strike today and tomorrow for NHS pay

“They are not asking for much – just that their employer does what they said they’d do and pays the going rate for the […]

News on the UNISON National site.

Bolton hospital workers vow to go ahead with strike next week

That deal means that an NHS worker on the Agenda for Change rates who begins in December 2018 will earn a minimum of £19,337 by December 2020 – which […]

Article, News on the UNISON National site.