Search Jobs, Pages, Campaigns tagged STPs

It’s Our NHS National Demonstration – Coaches

A number of coaches have been arranged across the South East to help transport UNISON members, and their family and friends, to the It’s Our NHS demonstration on 4 March. Find details of coaches in your area and how to book seats below. Or you can find out more about #ourNHS at If you […]

Page on the UNISON South East site.

Sustainability and Transformation Plans (STPs)

1 January 2017 – 1 January 2018

NHS organisations across England are currently working together to produce sustainability and transformation plans (STPs). What are sustainability and transformation plans? Sustainability and transformation plans (STPs) are five-year local plans for health and care services. They are being developed by 44 geographical areas, or ‘footprints’, covering England. NHS organisations, local authorities and other health and […]

Campaign on the UNISON South East site.