Search Pages, News and Blogs tagged member learning

Help us shape the future of learning

Do working people have the skills they need to succeed? Are they getting the training they need to do their jobs properly? And are they prepared to face the future of work? We’re asking all UNISON members to help us find out by completing our Skills For The Future survey. It should take around 15 […]

Learning News on the UNISON College site.

A winning partnership

She studied full-time to achieve a diploma from the Association of Medical Secretaries, Practice Managers […]

Learning News on the UNISON College site.

Learning At Work Week: style and substance at Blackpool Victoria

When Learning at Work Week (LaWW) began on Monday 14th May, all eyes were on the mezzanine at Blackpool Victoria Hospital to see how union learning reps (ULRs) Bev Herring and Jane Eyre would be launching this year’s packed programme of events at ‘the Vic’. Expectations were high after dancing drag queens kicked off proceedings […]

Learning News on the UNISON College site.

Speaking up for older workers

Teresa Donegan, head of UNISON Learning and Organising Services, and Jane Shepherd, national education officer, gave evidence to the Women and Equalities Committee at Parliament on Wednesday morning. The focus of the session was on recruitment and reskilling of older workers. The panel answered questions on addressing conscious and unconscious bias in the recruitment process, […]

Learning News on the UNISON College site.

Stepping Up: top tips for taking workplace reading to the next level

Last week, union learning reps (ULRs) from across UNISON gathered to share their experience and generate new ideas in promoting reading in the workplace at our Stepping Up workshop. They came from sectors including local government, healthcare, further education, and police and justice. Some had run the Reading Ahead challenge in their branches; some had […]

Learning News on the UNISON College site.

A learning journey through UNISON

Ian began his learning journey when he left school in 2005, studying horticulture at college. He then completed an apprenticeship in the same subject, which led to a full time post as a gardener for Rochdale Borough Council where he began his 10 year UNISON membership. Before long, Ian took up a workplace union position […]

Learning News on the UNISON College site.

Supporting English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL)

Government withdrawal of English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) funding for people in work has made UNISON’s ability to organise workplace ESOL classes increasingly challenging. The responsibility to meet the English language needs of workers rests with employers. Many employers are keen to offer ESOL for their staff but not to fund it. Although […]

Page on the UNISON College site.

Team working

What is team working? A team comprises a group of people linked in a common purpose. Teams are especially appropriate for conducting tasks that are high in complexity and have many interdependent subtasks. Teams may be interdependent, such as football teams, and work for a common cause, for example, in business, as a project team. […]

Page on the UNISON College site.


What is an interview? An interview is an opportunity for both you and your prospective employer to see how you will fit into their organisation. It is also a chance for you to find out more about the company and for them to find out more about you and how your previous experience could benefit […]

Page on the UNISON College site.

CV writing

A CV is a concise document which summarises an individual’s unique skills, character, experience and achievements. CV is short for Curriculum Vitae, which is a Latin phrase which loosely translated means ‘the course of my life’. A CV outlines a person’s academic and professional history which is usually used for applying for jobs.  Why is […]

Page on the UNISON College site.

10 tips to help you get the most from online learning

Online learning has opened the doors to all kinds of opportunities. If you’ve previously found it difficult to take part in training or education because of work or care commitments, or because of the financial cost, you might find that online learning sweeps many of those barriers away. But it can bring its own challenges, […]

Learning News on the UNISON College site.

Putting it on the calendar: learning and equalities at Loughborough University

Pride Month may be over but for Collina Angus, UNISON learning rep at Loughborough University, equalities are a year-round passion. That’s something that she’s combined with learning to create a dynamic, engaging series of online events, inviting experts to share their knowledge with members at the university. She began last October with an event for […]

Learning News on the UNISON College site.

Build your skills with UNISON Learning

We use English and maths every day. But many of us aren’t as confident as we like to be when it comes to our literacy and numeracy skills. That’s why UNISON has launched Skills Builder, an online tool designed to help you feel more comfortable using words and numbers. Skills Builder uses practical examples to […]

Learning News on the UNISON College site.

Making the Lifetime Skills Guarantee work for you

You could benefit from the government’s ‘Lifetime Skills Guarantee’ offer of a free level 3 training course. Level 3 is equivalent to an advanced technical certificate or diploma, or 2 A levels. If you don’t already have a qualification at that level, and you are in England, you can access a course for free. Here’s […]

Learning News on the UNISON College site.

The Next Chapter of UNISON Learning

UNISON learning reps, branch education coordinators and lifelong learning coordinators gathered online on Wednesday 17 March for an event exploring The Next Chapter of UNISON Learning. The event was chaired by Margaret McKee, vice chair of UNISON’s Development and Organising committee, who began by wishing participants a happy St Patrick’s Day and thanking participants for […]

Learning News on the UNISON College site.