Search Pages, Media, News and Blogs tagged education and training

Derby school support staff vote ends 10-month dispute, says UNISON

Derby school support staff have voted overwhelmingly (nine to one) to accept the council’s latest offer, ending a 10-month dispute over pay and working time, says UNISON. Derby City Council had imposed changes last June that meant staff lost up to £6,000 a year, as their contracts were reduced from 52 to 44.5 weeks. Their […]

News, Press release on the UNISON National site.

Becoming a Union Learning Rep – Guest post by Sarah Eaglestone

My name is Sarah Eaglestone. I am a Union Learning Rep (ULR) for UNISON. If you had of asked me the question “ What would you like to have achieved in five years time  “ five years ago ….. I would never have thought it would be what I have to date. Thanks to UNISON […]

Blogs, News on the UNISON Northern site.

New Stewards add to UNISON’s strength in Durham and Middlesbrough

UNISON Northern Region strengthened its team of workplace activists with a highly successful Workplace Stewards course held in County Durham. The flexible, modular training course covered the topics of UNISON’s structure, equality issues, recruitment, representation and employment law. The eight talented and committed women members volunteered to become trained stewards to strengthen UNISON within their […]

Article on the UNISON Northern site.

Return to Learn: Learning and Organising in South Tyneside

UNISON members gathered at a South Tyneside hotel to celebrate their achievement at the weekend residential school which marked the end of UNISON Northern Region’s ‘Return to Learn’ course. The fifteen week course was aimed at UNISON members who had not taken part in formal education for some time or who had not found the […]

Article on the UNISON Northern site.

Young Black members confidence skills course

        UNISON is inviting expressions of interest from young Black members who want to become more active in the union to attend a training course to learn more about Black people’s contribution to trade unionism and to acquire some confidence skills. The course will be held at UNISON Centre in London on […]

Article, News on the UNISON Eastern site.

Branch Officer Training

Every year, UNISON South East runs a weekend residential training course for all newly appointed or untrained Branch Officers. This year, the Branch Officer Training weekend is taking place at the Hilton at  Ageas Bowl in Southampton and the following courses will be taking place: Branch Officer Training Branch Secretary: This course is designed to […]

Page on the UNISON South East site.

Women’s Officer Passport

UNISON has a proud history of providing quality training and education courses for all elected Branch Officers and union members. We have put together a16-day programme of training which we recommend to all new Branch Women’s Officers, to help you understand your role and help you acquire the knowledge and skills to support and advise members and your […]

Page on the UNISON South East site.

Additional courses

In addition to our main programme of activist education courses, the UNISON South East also runs additional courses throughout the year. Some are programmed, some are demand-driven, but all help equip our activists for the roles they undertake. Additional Regional Courses Branch Officer Training This is an annual residential weekend training event that covers all the key branch […]

Page on the UNISON South East site.

Health and Safety Reps

If you have recently been elected as a UNISON Health and Safety rep, you are probably feeling slightly anxious about what you have let yourself in for. Don’t panic! UNISON South East have put together a 14-day programme of training which we recommend for all new Health and Safety reps, and for which your employer should give you […]

Page on the UNISON South East site.

Organising Steward

If you have recently become a UNISON Steward or workplace representative, you are probably feeling slightly anxious about what you have let yourself in for. Don’t panic! UNISON South East have put together a 17-day programme of training, which we recommend for all new Stewards, and for which your employer should give you paid time off work […]

Page on the UNISON South East site.

‘Fair funding’ must also mean sufficient funding, say education unions

Organisations representing school staff, teachers and leaders – ATL, GMB, NAHT, NUT, UNISON and Unite – have updated the website after publication of the government’s final National Funding Formula proposals to reflect the funding losses facing each school in England

News, Press release on the UNISON National site.

Women’s Education

With 1 million women members in UNISON, these course are designed to inspire, inform and build the confidence of women. Our courses are designed to help support more women to become active in their branches, and to work together to campaign for change. Courses for women Women’s Officer Passport If you have recently been elected as […]

Page on the UNISON South East site.

School funding cuts could deny children a decent future says UNISON

Responding to government plans to reform school funding UNISON head of education Jon Richards said: “Schools that are already underfunded will get much less than they’d hoped for. “Other highly rated schools in better resourced areas will see their budgets cut further still to fund those currently failing. “Good education doesn’t come cheap. Schools need […]

Article, Press release on the UNISON National site.


The UNISON College has a proud history of providing high quality learning opportunities for our members. We work with trusted national institutions and we also deliver learning in-house. Whether you’re already a keen learner, or just beginning to explore the possibilities, and whatever your reasons for wanting to learn, UNISON can help.  Take a look at […]

Page on the UNISON Northern site.

UNISON calls for council oversight of academy school finances

Friday 26 August 2016 For immediate release Responding to the Local Government Association call for councils to have oversight of academy school finances, UNISON national secretary for education Jon Richards said: “UNISON has raised cases of suspected financial irregularity with the Department for Education, Education Funding Agency and the National Audit Office, all of which […]

News, Press release on the UNISON National site.