Search tagged young workers

Making 2019 the year for young workers

Conference agrees to organise and recruit more workers under 25

Article on the UNISON National site.

WEBINAR: How do UNISON conferences work?

7 June 2024 12:00pm–1:00pm
Online via Microsoft Teams

We’ll explain some of the processes and talk about what to expect if you’re attending a UNISON conference this year. Chaired by a member of UNISON’s National Young Members Forum. Register here […]

Event on the UNISON National site.

UNISON Eastern launches new equality calendar

We’re proud to present our new equality calendar! The interactive calendar will help UNISON Eastern members and activists keep on top of the big events in the union as well as national and international equalities dates. The calendar will be updated regularly so check back for the latest and please get in touch if you’ve […]

Article, News on the UNISON Eastern site.

Celebrate International Youth Day by joining UNISON!

12 August is International Youth Day, the day the UN has picked to encourage young people to get involved in the world around them and shape the things that affect their lives. There’s not much that affects your life more than how things are at work, whether it’s low pay, long hours, unrealistic workloads, bullying […]

Article, News on the UNISON Eastern site.

UNISON launches Burston booklet for Year of the Young Worker

Often trapped by the challenges of low pay, in precarious, insecure jobs, struggling with rising housing costs, or just finding it difficult to get onto the next rung of the career ladder, young workers need trade unions. And trade unions need young workers — they are the here and now of our movement. UNISON places […]

News on the UNISON Eastern site.

Blog: Young Workers Month – Guest post by Caitlin Whiston

November has been young workers month and this year the campaign was to celebrate and raise awareness of our young trade unionist activists in UNISON could not be more important.

Blogs, Blogs on the UNISON Northern site.

Preparing for a year of Young Member activity: 2019

The 2018 National Young Members’ Weekend took place in Milton Keynes this year with 120 young members from around the country attending. South East Young Members turned out in force, with 13 delegates from a variety of local government, health, police and higher education branches coming together to discuss activism, recruitment and campaigns. The weekend […]

Article on the UNISON South East site.

South West Young Members

The South West Young Members Forum act as the voice of young workers in the South West, bring together active young UNISON members, and help to facilitate new young members’ involvement in the union

Page on the UNISON South West site.

Young workers and mental health

UNISON believes mental health is a trade union issue and UNISON's young members are actively campaigning for workplaces that are more mentally healthy. In May 2022 we […]

Page on the UNISON National site.

Young workers: ‘You need us and we need you’

Young members talk about their concerns, their hopes and their achievements at national delegate conference

Article on the UNISON National site.

Conference applauds winners of young members’ organising award

Scottish young members win organising award for work against bullying

Article, News on the UNISON National site.

Minimum wage rates increase

New minimum wage rates come into force across UK, including ‘national living wage’

Article, News on the UNISON National site.

It’s time to take a stand against bullying

This year the region’s young members group will be focusing on the problems of bullying and harassment in the workplace. Three quarters of young members experience bullying and harassment at work – with 7% of those experiencing violence, a survey carried out by UNISON in Scotland has found. The survey also showed that over 50% of these cases were not […]

Article, News on the UNISON Eastern site.

Apprenticeships and UNISON – why the two go together

If you’re thinking about being an apprentice or are already an apprentice and are thinking about joining us take a look at our two new videos. In the first members with apprenticeships talk about what’s good about being an apprentice and in the second why they decided to join UNISON. Branches may find these videos useful […]

News, UNISON voices on the UNISON Eastern site.

Webinar: So you’re thinking of becoming a green rep?

4 November 2022 1:00pm–2:00pm
Online via GoToWebinar

Taster session on the role of the Green Rep (now a rule book branch position) with a panel discussion including active green reps and Stephen Smellie, UNISON NEC. Chair from UNISON’s National Young Members Forum.

Event on the UNISON National site.