Search tagged TUC

Public services need a new normal, says UNISON general secretary

Public services must be rebuilt after years of cuts and neglect

News, Press release on the UNISON National site.

UNISON president calls for a ‘global recovery’ after the pandemic

“Countries were forced to compete against each other in a global bidding war which saw the poorest and weakest […]

Article, News on the UNISON National site.

Next week’s budget could be a turning point for our country

If Rishi Sunak puts workers first on Wednesday he could turn Britain’s fortunes around

News, Regional Secretary’s Blog on the UNISON Eastern site.

New manifesto defends workers’ rights from artificial iIntelligence

UNISON backs the TUC’s warning that employment law is failing to keep pace with the rapid expansion of AI in the workplace

Article, News on the UNISON National site.

Nearly one in five children in key worker households in the South East live in poverty

This information first appeared on the TUC website

Article on the UNISON South East site.

UNISON calls for proper investment for public services after COVID

With the 153rd annual TUC congress underway, UNISON vice president Andrea Egan spoke of the need for a proper investment in public services

Article, News on the UNISON National site.

Everything’s going up but our pay: Join the rally in Blackpool

19 March 2022 10:00am–4:00pm
Comedy Carpet, near Blackpool Tower

The Conservatives are in Blackpool for their spring conference. We need to tell them loud and clear: Britain needs a pay rise!

Event on the UNISON East Midlands site.

March Against Racism 2022: UN Anti-Racism Day

19 March 2022 12:00pm–4:00am
BBC Portland Place London W1B 1AE United Kingdom

This is a Stand Up To Racism event, supported by UNISON and the TUC, for UN Anti-Racism Day. The government’s catastrophic handling of COVID-19 and the cost-of-living crisis has disproportionately impacted African, Asian, Caribbean and all black minority ethnic communities due to structural and institutional racism. The Nationality & Borders Bill criminalises asylum seekers and […]

Event on the UNISON South East site.

SAVE THE DATE: TUC national demonstration

BRITAIN NEEDS A PAY RISE! We cant afford rising energy prices We can’t afford to feed our families We can’t afford petrol for our cars We can’t afford the Tories! On Saturday 18 June, the trade union movement will be taking to the streets of London to demand action on the cost of living – […]

Page on the UNISON East Midlands site.

Demand action on the cost of living

Join the TUC march on Saturday 18 June

Magazine, UNISON on film on the Magazine site.

Top tips to build the turnout for the TUC demo

UNISON activists share their tried and tested ways of building support for a march and rally

Behind the headlines, How to, Magazine on the Magazine site.

Significant pay rise needed to avoid demoralised staff leaving the NHS

Soaring inflation has superseded ministers’ miserly pay proposal

News, Press release on the UNISON National site.

TUC and UNISON ramp up cost of living campaign

October dates announced for lobby of MPs – put them in your diaries now, as Christina McAnea says the union is working to use ‘all levers at our disposal’

Article, News on the UNISON National site.

‘Co-ordinated action unites us,’ McAnea tells TUC congress

General secretary tells delegates in Brighton that UNISON will be working with other unions to help working people get the pay rise that they deserve

Article, News on the UNISON National site.

Government gamble means working people are the losers, says UNISON

Christina McAnea tells TUC that co-ordination with other unions will deliver results on pay

News, Press release on the UNISON National site.