Search Events, Text Modules, Pages, News and Blogs tagged young members

A union for all ages

We met with Rosie MacGregor, chair of UNISON’s retired members’ committee, and Jess McGuire, chair of UNISON’s young members’ committee […]

Magazine, UNISON people on the Magazine site.

UNISON Eastern launches new equality calendar

We’re proud to present our new equality calendar! The interactive calendar will help UNISON Eastern members and activists keep on top of the big events in the union as well as national and international equalities dates. The calendar will be updated regularly so check back for the latest and please get in touch if you’ve […]

Article, News on the UNISON Eastern site.

Young Members Forum Information Sharing Session and AGM

26 February 2022 10:00am–2:00pm
Virtual - Contact for joining information

Young Members Forum Information Sharing Session Followed by the AGM

Event on the UNISON East Midlands site.

UNISON Young Members Forum chair to speak at Heart Unions Week event

UNISON Cymru/Wales Young Members Forum chair Nick Davies will  be a key speaker at a Wales TUC event

Article, News on the UNISON Cymru/Wales site.

Young members committee

2 March 2022 5:00pm–6:00pm

All UNISON members under 27 years of age are entitled to participate as young members. The UNISON Eastern young members’ group works to: Encourage recruitment, organisation and participation of young workers, Provide a powerful voice for young members, Give young members the opportunity to develop the skills and knowledge necessary to participate in the union. […]

Event on the UNISON Eastern site.

Growing participation in UNISON South East

Since the AGM in 2020, work has been underway to identify barriers to participation with our regional democracy and identify new initiatives to grow activism in our region

Article on the UNISON South East site.

Young Members 2022 Elections

Thank you for voting. Your vote has been recorded and counted now. The results will be shared soon.

Page on the UNISON South East site.

Young members’ conference 2021

Many delegates talked about intersectionality, not least in two motions from the national LGBT+ group, moved by Cici Carey-Stewart and Lilly Martin. The first was on the particular impact of […]

Article, Young Members on the UNISON East Midlands site.

A conference about more than just passing motions…

The cream of UNISON Eastern’s young activists are just back from Cardiff where they’ve been enthused by the first ever UNISON young members conference. Eastern was unmissable at conference, with our 11-strong delegation being the largest of any region. And our delegates weren’t just there to fill the room, with six of the 11 contributing […]

Article, News on the UNISON Eastern site.

Making UNISON history – Young Members hold first national Conference

Cardiff City Hall played host to inaugural gathering of Young Members, with a speech from Angela Rayner MP

Article, Young Members on the UNISON South East site.

UNISON hosts its first young members’ conference in Cardiff

Throughout the course of the event, delegates spoke time and again of how important UNISON had been over the past two years

News on the UNISON South West site.

BLOG: Jess McGuire – chair of the national young member’s forum

👋 Hello, I’m Jess McGuire from Lincolnshire and I’m the Chair of the National Young Members Forum. The weekend of 3rd – 5th December marked an important milestone for our union’s young members and the history of UNISON in general as young members held their first ever conference at City Hall in Cardiff. When I […]

Article, Blogs, Blogs, Young Members on the UNISON East Midlands site.

UNISON hosts its first young members’ conference in Cardiff

Throughout the course of the event, delegates spoke time and again of how important UNISON had been over the past two years

Article, News on the UNISON National site.

Regional Young Members Forum

30 June 2022 5:00pm–6:30pm
Online Meeting

The Young Members Forum represents young members at a regional level, helping to develop campaigns and inform policy.

Event on the UNISON South East site.

Regional Young Members Forum

7 March 2022 12:30pm–1:30pm
Online Meeting

The Young Members Forum represents young members at a regional level, helping to develop campaigns and inform policy.

Event on the UNISON South East site.