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Opinion: ‘The past is gloomy, but the future doesn’t have to be’

Remember how this government treated NHS workers during our dispute two winters ago. Remember how they partied in Downing Street while most […]

General Secretary's blog, News on the UNISON National site.

Wes Streeting: The man who can

Labour’s hope to take over in charge of the NHS and social care sector in England was born in London, schooled in Westminster and read history at […]

bigger picture, Uncategorized on the Magazine site.

Job losses and ward closures planned across Essex hospitals

Hospital bosses want to let 150 staff go and mothball 150 beds across Mid and South Essex NHS Foundation Trust (MSEFT), UNISON has warned today. ​The trust plans to launch a voluntary severance scheme* next week to cut the 150 ‘non-frontline clinical’ posts.​ In a meeting with union reps this week, trust leaders were not […]

News, Press release on the UNISON Eastern site.