Search News and Blogs, Pages, Media tagged education


  Welcome to the South East Education webpage. The 2024 Course Programme is here! We are running a full programme of courses in 2024 which include a mixture of online and classroom-based to make learning accessible to all. From Stewards training and follow-on courses to learning for members including handling stress, bullying and harassment, recruitment […]

Page on the UNISON South East site.

Schools to close as Durham teaching assistants take second two-day strike action

More than 100 primary schools across County Durham will be affected tomorrow (Wednesday) and Thursday as teaching assistants strike for a second time in a long-running dispute over cuts to their pay. School support staff plan to protest at dozens of picket lines across the county over the two days. This will mean the closure […]

News, Press release on the UNISON National site.

Add your name to the call to save nursery school funding

Sign the petition to parliament and help make sure nursery schools in England are properly funded

Article, News on the UNISON National site.

Further education pay rises agreed in England and Wales

The Association of Colleges offer in England – of 1% or £250 a year, whichever is higher – was […]

Article, News on the UNISON National site.

Celebrating Stars in Our School

Stars in our Schools is all about the fantastic work the support staff does every day and make sure the public knows just how vital support staff are.

Blogs on the UNISON Northern site.

The wonderful workers of Waverley school – a day in pictures

UNISON has members working throughout the education system – from primary schools to higher education – but some of the schools our members work in are unique

Article, Magazine on the UNISON National site.

Sixth-form workers consulted on pay offer for 2016/17

Consultation will take place in branches and colleges and the results need to be returned to UNISON Centre by Friday 13 January. UNISON negotiators […]

Article on the UNISON National site.

School funding cuts could deny children a decent future says UNISON

Responding to government plans to reform school funding UNISON head of education Jon Richards said: “Schools that are already underfunded will get much less than they’d hoped for. “Other highly rated schools in better resourced areas will see their budgets cut further still to fund those currently failing. “Good education doesn’t come cheap. Schools need […]

Article, Press release on the UNISON National site.

Women’s Education

With 1 million women members in UNISON, these course are designed to inspire, inform and build the confidence of women. Our courses are designed to help support more women to become active in their branches, and to work together to campaign for change. Courses for women Women’s Officer Passport If you have recently been elected as […]

Page on the UNISON South East site.

How much does it cost to send your child to school

UNISON members can help teaching union NASUWT with its annual survey into the true cost of education for families

Article on the UNISON National site.

Organising Steward

If you have recently become a UNISON Steward or workplace representative, you are probably feeling slightly anxious about what you have let yourself in for. Don’t panic! UNISON South East have put together a 17-day programme of training, which we recommend for all new Stewards, and for which your employer should give you paid time off work […]

Page on the UNISON South East site.

Health and Safety Reps

If you have recently been elected as a UNISON Health and Safety rep, you are probably feeling slightly anxious about what you have let yourself in for. Don’t panic! UNISON South East have put together a 14-day programme of training which we recommend for all new Health and Safety reps, and for which your employer should give you […]

Page on the UNISON South East site.

‘Fair funding’ must also mean sufficient funding, say education unions

Following the publication of the Government’s final proposals for its long-awaited National Funding Formula (NFF), organisations representing school staff, teachers and leaders – ATL, GMB, NAHT, NUT, UNISON and Unite – have updated the website to reflect the funding losses facing each school in England. The picture is extremely bleak.  The Government has accused […]

Article, News on the UNISON South East site.

Branch Officer Training

Every year, UNISON South East runs a weekend residential training course for all newly appointed or untrained Branch Officers. This year, the Branch Officer Training weekend is taking place at the Hilton at  Ageas Bowl in Southampton and the following courses will be taking place: Branch Officer Training Branch Secretary: This course is designed to […]

Page on the UNISON South East site.

Blog: Derby – our magnificent members aren’t going anywhere

Our message is clear and my position is the same as our members: the council must negotiate – massive pay cuts for school support staff cannot be the answer

General Secretary's blog on the UNISON National site.