Search tagged social care

Jab backdown the right thing to do, but the damage has already been done, says UNISON

These ill-thought-out rules have worsened the staffing crisis hampering the NHS and social care and caused significant upset. 

News, Press release on the UNISON National site.

Christina McAnea: my first year as your general secretary

UNISON’s general secretary on a ‘challenging and demanding year’ as the union continued to navigate the pandemic – and her goals moving forward

Magazine, UNISON on film on the Magazine site.

Pay the living wage for social care Suffolk

31 January 2022 5:00pm–6:00pm

Join our online event to keep the pressure on commissioners and employers to pay the living wage in Suffolk. Tell me more! Care staff continued caring for Suffolk’s most vulnerable residents during the pandemic despite three-quarters not even earning a real living wage. And many have been taking home even less during the pandemic when […]

Event on the UNISON Eastern site.

Derbyshire care homes to close

Dozens of elderly people, including those with dementia, face a distressing Christmas over Derbyshire County Council’s proposals to close seven care homes. UNISON members were outside County Hall in Matlock yesterday (Monday 6 December) opposing plans that will see around 70 residents having to find alternative accommodation. The union, which represents carers who will be […]

Article, health news, News, Press release on the UNISON East Midlands site.

White paper fails to fix workforce shortage or mend broken system in social care

Government has not delivered bold, ambitious plan that is needed

News, Press release on the UNISON National site.

Know Your Rights – raising issues at work

17 January 2022 6:00pm–7:00pm

The final session in our Know Your Rights trilogy of events for social care staff looks at how to raise issues at work. Tell me more! As a social care worker, you’ll have more than your fair share of issues at work. But being part of UNISON means you don’t have to suffer alone. UNISON […]

Event on the UNISON Eastern site.

Know Your Rights – health and safety

10 January 2022 6:00pm–7:00pm

Know Your Rights, UNISON Eastern’s series of events for social care staff, continues with your rights to health and safety at work. Tell me more! Everyone is entitled to a healthy and safe workplace – not just morally entitled legally too. But sadly many workplaces aren’t up to scratch when it comes to health and […]

Event on the UNISON Eastern site.

Know Your Rights – travel time

14 December 2021 6:00pm–7:00pm

Know Your Rights, UNISON’s new event series for social care staff, kicks off with a session on travel time for domiciliary workers. Tell me more! UNSION won a four-year legal battle in 2020 to confirm that domiciliary care workers are on the job while travelling between visits – and therefore staff minimum wage calculations need […]

Event on the UNISON Eastern site.

Suffolk rally for social care

27 November 2021 10:30am
Thomas Wolsey Theatre Car Park, Ipswich

Come along and support Social Care Workers, join us at the Thomas Wolsey Theatre car park at 11.30am for a rally through Ipswich. ending up at the University of Suffolk to listen to guest speakers. All are welcome to support our campaign for social care workers to be paid a real living wage. Why are […]

Event on the UNISON Eastern site.

Suffolk care workers plan march for a living wage through Ipswich

Care workers are preparing to march through Ipswich this month as they push for a real living wage and proper sick pay. The 27 November march and rally, organised by UNISON Suffolk County branch, will highlight the incredible contribution care workers made during the pandemic, says UNISON. Care staff continued caring for Suffolk’s most vulnerable […]

Article on the UNISON Eastern site.

Improving pay is the way to solve care staffing crisis

Slick ad campaign glosses over exploitation and lack of sick pay

News, Press release on the UNISON National site.

Johnson may have no real social care plan, but we do

Tim Roberts explains how Eastern region care workers are organising in his latest blog

News, Regional Secretary’s Blog on the UNISON Eastern site.

Social care staff in Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire push for a living wage

Social care staff in Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire are launching a new campaign for a living wage and proper sick pay next week. Frontline care staff will be joined by Christina McAnea, general secretary of care workers’ union UNISON, and Sara Johnson of the Living Wage Foundation to launch Who Cares? on Monday evening, calling on […]

News, Press release on the UNISON Eastern site.

Care sector pushed to brink by staffing catastrophe

The government must act now because social care matters to us all. “This country cannot afford to lose any more care staff. Each and every one of us has a loved one who may well need their […]

Press release on the UNISON National site.

Voices from the care frontline

Why we’re campaigning for a real living wage in care

Article, News on the UNISON Eastern site.