Search Pages, Jobs, Text Modules, Events, News and Blogs tagged adult social care

Compulsory jabs guidance is confusing and risks driving staff away, says UNISON        

Donna Rowe-Merriman says measure will do more harm than good

News, Press release on the UNISON National site.

UNISON urges councils to ensure care staff are properly paid

Call comes after the government ‘names and shames’ companies in England and Wales for flouting minimum wage legislation

Article, News on the UNISON National site.

New social care levy shows government priorities are all wrong, says UNISON       

Christina McAnea says government wrong to focus on funding before reform

News, Press release on the UNISON National site.

Government has no plan for social care, says UNISON

Christina McAnea says £5.3bn promised comes nowhere near what’s needed

News, Press release on the UNISON National site.

Huge vacancy rates across care sector adding to staff mental health crisis

The government’s failure to deal with ​the growing staffing ​crisis in social care ​risks worsening the mounting mental health toll on workers, says UNISON

Press release on the UNISON National site.

Scrap mandatory vaccine deadline or risk decimating the care sector, says UNISON

Christina McAnea warns of ‘catastrophic’ staffing crisis unless government abandons draconian policy

News, Press release on the UNISON National site.

Invest in the health workforce and public services to learn pandemic lessons

Keynote speech renews call for immediate pandemic inquiry

News, Press release on the UNISON National site.

Take the profiteering out of care sector and pay staff fair wages, says UNISON 

In her Labour conference speech, Christina McAnea condemns exploitation of those needing and giving care

News, Press release on the UNISON National site.

Social care is a national problem needing a national solution

Central rather than local government funding needed

News, Press release on the UNISON National site.

Voices from the care frontline

Why we’re campaigning for a real living wage in care

Article, News on the UNISON Eastern site.

Urgent action needed to fix care staffing, says UNISON

Pay hike and total overhaul required

News, Press release on the UNISON National site.

Double-jab rule risks care collapse, says UNISON

Christina McAnea warns of staffing catastrophe ahead of double-jab deadline

News, Press release on the UNISON National site.

Staffing levels in care ‘dangerously low’ with dying residents denied dignified end, says UNISON survey  

Survey shows staff having to choose between supporting residents in final hours and needs of other residents

News, Press release on the UNISON National site.

Dithering over social care must end immediately with a proper pay boost for workers

Care shortages having serious impact on vulnerable

News, Press release on the UNISON National site.

Stand up for social care in Suffolk

19 May 2022 1:00pm–2:00pm

Join UNISON and put pressure on Suffolk County Council to: Pay at least the real living wage to all care workers, Secure full sick pay for care workers, Provide paid training and development opportunities for this sector. Bring your flags and whistles and lets show some support for your care workers in Suffolk! Speakers Sandy […]

Event on the UNISON Eastern site.