Search tagged pay

Local authority chief officers agree two-year pay deal

Pay settlement includes a commitment to produce guidance on workloads and stress

News on the UNISON National site.

FE members vote for action on pay

Industrial action ballot sees 2-1 vote for strike and 4-1 for other action in English further education colleges

Article, News on the UNISON National site.

Health pay will be a 2016 Assembly election issue

UNISON warns of campaign in run up to elections

Article, News on the UNISON National site.

‘There is an alternative to austerity’

UNISON general secretary uses Labour conference to call for an end to the cuts, privatisation and pay freezes that are ‘destroying lives’

News, Press release on the UNISON National site.

Special UNISON summit plans to tackle pay freeze

Over 100 top union activists convened at a pay summit at the UNISON Centre in London today (Thursday) to map out a cross-union strategy for dealing with the ongoing public sector pay freeze

Article on the UNISON National site.

Why did I get involved?

Unpaid, risking trouble at work and not always thanked – why do UNISON’s 40,000 activists do it?

Magazine on the UNISON National site.

Further education unions submit claim for 2015-16

The further education joint trade unions have now lodged a pay claim for 2015-16 to the employer, stressing the need for colleges to introduce the living wage

Article on the UNISON National site.

Higher education unions submit 2015-16 pay claim

Joint higher education unions’ pay claim for 2015-16 covers pay and pay-related equality matters

Article on the UNISON National site.

Wales FE workers vote to accept revised pay offer

Further education workers in Wales have voted to accept a 1% pay offer made by the employers following the threat of industrial action

Article on the UNISON National site.

Further education unions in Wales to consider revised pay offer

Trade union members working in further education in Wales will be consulted over a 1% revised pay offer which is expected to be formally announced 12 January

Article on the UNISON National site.

Further education trade unions criticise ColegauCymru’s mixed messages on pay

Further education unions across Wales have criticised colleges in Wales and ColegauCymru for their handling of this year’s pay negotiations

Article, News on the UNISON Cymru/Wales site.

Hitting wages of key workers would be ‘worst possible’ blow to economy

Government plans to hold down public-sector pay will cause a £156m blow to the East of England’s economy, a TUC analysis shows today. A total of £1.3bn will be cut from keyworker pay settlements in England this year, after the chancellor announced the squeeze in November 2020, causing a forecast £1.7bn hit to England’s economy […]

Article on the UNISON Eastern site.

Whatever the challenges of 2022, UNISON will be there for public service workers

A New Year’s blog from regional secretary Tim Roberts

News, Regional Secretary’s Blog on the UNISON Eastern site.

Would-be Huntingdonshire Council strikers accept improved pay deal

Strikes are off at Huntingdonshire District Council after workers accepted an improved pay offer, UNISON said today. Staff including refuse workers had been due to down tools last month, but suspended action to consult on a range of new offers from council bosses. They have now accepted a rise of 5%, backdated to April and […]

News, Press release on the UNISON Eastern site.

Britain’s rubbish pay rises: What will YOU be earning in five years?

British workers are stuck in the longest pay squeeze since Victorian times. But with UK real wages failing to keep up with the cost of living, there’s a lot more pain on the horizon.To help you gaze into the future, we’ve built a nifty pay calculator. It will show you what might happen to your […]

Article, News on the UNISON Eastern site.