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Leaked document reveals government ‘concern’ over teaching assistants

UNISON condemns ‘an insult to teaching assistants who are stretched to the limit’

Article, News on the UNISON National site.

Landmark UNISON case confirms minimum annual leave for all workers

Court of Appeal ruling has implications for hundreds of thousands of employees

News, Press release on the UNISON National site.

College staff need training in handling weapon-related incidents

Staff and students have suffered serious injuries as a result of offensive weapons being brought into colleges, according to a UNISON survey published today (Tuesday). Machetes, hammers, metal bars and even a gun are among the items either recovered or that have been used in pupil-on-pupil assaults, gang attacks or in violent incidents against staff, […]

News, Press release on the UNISON National site.

Tax cut for higher earners is absurd after years of austerity

Commenting on the announcement from Conservative Party leadership contender Boris Johnson that he would cut taxes for higher earners, UNISON general secretary Dave Prentis said: “Boris Johnson has confirmed he cares about the wealthy few, rather than everyone who relies on public services. A cash giveaway for the richest earners is absurd after 10 years of brutal austerity that […]

News, Press release on the UNISON National site.

Extra FE spending proposals welcome but report likely to lead to inaction, says UNISON

Important points detailed in long-awaited Augar Review of education

News, Press release on the UNISON National site.

UK’s biggest academy chain faces vote of no confidence from staff

Education unions representing staff at Academies Enterprise Trust (AET) – the largest academy chain in the UK – are today (Wednesday) launching a ballot asking if employees have confidence in the trust’s leadership. The move comes after AET failed to listen to staff concerns over proposed cutbacks and restructuring. The changes will put the wellbeing […]

News, Press release on the UNISON National site.

ULR Carol Wilkinson talks helping members overcome barriers to learning

How long have you been a member of UNISON? I  became a UNISON member 14 years ago when I started working in my daughters’ school as both teaching assistant and midday supervisor, when I moved to EDF Energy I transferred my membership and I was able to be more involved with helping our members within […]

Article, News on the UNISON South East site.

Hampshire branch delivers on Challenging Behaviour in Schools

For some time, Hampshire UNISON has been raising the subject of challenging and often violent behaviour towards school support staff across the county. A branch-wide survey was undertaken in 2017 which discovered that violent behaviour and challenging behaviour in schools was on the rise. School support staff work in incredibly challenging conditions, many of them […]

Article, News on the UNISON South East site.

UNISON condemns government’s violent crime proposals

Pressure on schools and NHS staff to tackle crime is deflecting attention from failure to fund services adequately, union says

Article, News on the UNISON National site.

Education unions warn academy trusts over cuts

Unions have been forced into this step by AET’s refusal to engage in meaningful negotiation over a variety of issues […]

News, Press release on the UNISON National site.

Funding for our Future: a new learning grant scheme for UNISON South East low paid women members and activists

UNISON is a union of women, over 1 million of them working across the public and private sectors delivering quality public services. Our women members are in all professions, catering assistants, nurses, midday supervisors, librarians, cleaners, social workers and cooks amongst a wide variety of jobs. A large proportion of our women members are low […]

Article on the UNISON South East site.

UNISON helps University of Bath win living wage accreditation

UNISON regional manager Gavin Brooks described it as “fantastic news for staff ... UNISON would like to congratulate the university on setting the standard for other […]

Article, News on the UNISON National site.

ULR Emma Nand talks about making positive changes for her colleagues in the workplace

  How long have you been a member of UNISON? I joined as soon as I started work, aged 17, so about 15 years ago. I first started my working career in the NHS as a nursery nurse at the Southampton General Hospital, and then four years ago I transferred my membership over when I […]

Article on the UNISON South East site.

Using learning activities for recruitment and retention in Grovember

A number of branches in the South East used UNISON’s member learning opportunities as a way to recruit new members and engage with existing members. Activists from Hampshire Local Government Branch offered members and potential members the opportunity to develop their professional skills and build their confidence, with a ‘Power to be you’ taster session. […]

Article on the UNISON South East site.

Redundancies raise their heads

UNISON prepares to defend members as staff are asked to pay the price for funding crises at two universities

Article on the UNISON National site.