The UNISON Isle of Wight Health Branch have been extremely privileged to sponsor the inaugural ‘Unsung Heroes Awards’ recognising the unfaltering work staff within the NHS undertake 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days of the year! Come rain or shine, hail and snow, these staff work tirelessly to care for the most vulnerable in our society.
The awards were aimed at staff groups who don’t already receive recognition. Staff groups who are usually the lowest paid workers within the NHS who without their continuing hard work, the hospital would not be able to function. Staff groups who are often overlooked because most of their work is undertaken ‘behind the scenes’.
The IOW NHS Trust has embarked on some of the most challenging times since 2016, when it was placed in ‘Special measures’. It goes to show what an inspirational workforce there is on the Isle of Wight and when the going gets tough, the staff put their super hero capes on, pull together, support each other and get on with the task in hand.
This is evidenced from the most recent CQC inspection that identified significant changes and improvements made to many services. The trust is now rated as ‘Requires Improvement’ and many staff are eager to take the next leap to get to ‘Good’ but still strive for ‘Outstanding’ – a rating that staff know and want to get to!
So, what a fantastic way to celebrate the contribution our staff make to our small community of the beautiful Isle of Wight! The commitment our executive team have made to ensure that every voice is heard and the honour and privilege for the branch to sponsor this was amazing.
There was a week of activity, saying ‘thank you’ to staff with celebratory hampers, UNISON drop in sessions around the Trust and of course, the awards evening! The big event had a number of inspirational guest speakers, including Oreleo Du Cran, from UNISON’s Learning and Organising, who who inspired many in the room to look into developing themselves further and providing information as to how UNISON can support with this.
The feedback has been phenomenal on how the staff have been made to feel, how they appreciate the acknowledgement that what they do is valued by everyone within the organisation and has given many a greater boost to continue pushing in these challenging times as they know they make a difference every single day!