Due to the overwhelming number of applications for school uniform grants, the fund is now closed.
There will inevitably be significant delays in processing and payments. We appreciate your patience while we work through all the requests and would ask that where possible you do not contact us for an update as this will delay processing.
In response to the growing difficulties many members on low incomes face, a programme has been put in place that will assist our most vulnerable members with the cost of purchasing school uniforms.
How much are the grants?
They are one-off grants of £50 per school age child, up to a total of £150.
Am I eligible?
To be eligible, you must meet the following:
- You are a member and have paid 4 weeks subscriptions before 3 August (the launch date of this programme);
- You are financially responsible for the child/children and receiving Child Benefit for them;
- You have total combined (yourself and your partner if applicable) savings/rolling bank balance(s) of less than £1,000, and;
- Either you receive Housing Benefit or Universal Credit
- Or you have an annual net salary of less than £18,000 (combined salary with partner must be less than £18,000 p.a. if applicable).
What documents must I include with my application?
We cannot consider your request without the following paperwork relevant to your application:
Salary/salaries below £18,000 net – please include:
- Most recent bank statement(s) for yourself and your partner (if applicable) for a complete month showing salary credits and Child Benefit payments.
If you receive Housing Benefit or Universal Credit, please include
- Most recent bank statement(s) for yourself and your partner (if applicable) for a complete month showing Housing Benefit or Universal Credit payments and Child Benefit payments.
How do I apply?
Complete the online form below and upload any supporting paperwork required (we recommend you gather the supporting paperwork before starting your application as this will only take a few minutes to complete). That way you can upload the documentation at the end of the process.
For any queries, please email sugqueries@unison.co.uk
Do I need my membership number?
Unfortunately, we cannot accept applications without a membership number. If you don’t have this information, please request it here and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Is there anything else that may affect my application?
Applications are limited to one per household and you must not have received financial assistance from us during the previous 6 months (excluding a COVID-19 response grant).
Other important information
As this is a limited fund, we cannot guarantee you will receive a payment even if you meet the eligibility criteria. It is therefore important that you apply online as early as possible.
Please note that receipt of application will be taken as the date on which the online application together with all required supporting documents is received.
If you do not meet the criteria for a school uniform grant but are experiencing unexpected financial hardship due to a change in circumstances, we might be able to help you in other ways. For further information:
- Please see our There For You web pages
- Contact your local UNISON Branch Welfare Officer. If you do not know who this is please contact UNISON Direct on 0800 0857 857.
- There for You Support Team on 020 7121 5620 or email thereforyou@unison.co.uk