Isle of Wight branch secretary calls for more PPE, more testing

On 28th April, we mark Workers Memorial Day. For trade unions like UNISON across the world, this is the day when we remember those who have been killed, injured or made sick at work. And when we do so, we use it as a reminder that trade unions need to continue to fight for proper […]

Rise in care home deaths highlights shambolic govt. response to Covid crisis

Data published today (Tuesday) by the Office for National Statistics shows that more than a thousand deaths in care homes and in the community were registered up to 10 April. In the South East alone, there have been 170 deaths in care homes as a result of Covid-19 with the highest number in Surrey (36). Responding to […]

Call for minute’s silence to honour all workers who have died from coronavirus

International Workers’ Memorial Day has renewed focus

Speaking up for our members – thank you to Our Heroes

Newspaper ad says ‘Thank you’ to all the UNISON members leaving their loved ones to care for ours

“If what we’re doing means one NHS worker can save one life then it’s worth it”

The latest #OurHeroes story from the frontline of the Covid-19 outbreak comes from Elaine Betteridge at Rosewood free school in Southampton

Thousands of public service workers contact us with ‘harrowing’ PPE stories

Ministers need to get to grips with supply problems

Thanks alone is not enough

I want to thank you all for everything you are doing during this crisis.   A special thank you to the NHS workers, the care workers, the school staff, the refuse collectors, all of the public service workers providing key services to keep the country going. To the public service staff being redeployed into frontline work, and to those […]

‘It’s tough out there, everyone is doing an amazing job’

Isle of Wight Health Branch Secretary, Jay Chappell, has returned to the frontline during Covid-19. He told us a bit about his new ‘normal’ during the crisis. “Normally I have full time release as the chair of staff side and branch secretary. Since Covid-19 hit, normal business kind of stopped as you would expect. Social […]

In memory of Lorna Cameron

UNISON South East sends deepest sympathies to family and colleagues of Lorna Cameron, Branch Secretary of Bracknell Forest UNISON, who sadly passed away as a result of Covid-19. Her branch have written the beautiful tribute below. As we mourn the recent sad loss of our dear friend and colleague Lorna, we give heartfelt thanks for […]

UNISON remembers Allison Boyd

We recently learned that Allison Boyd, joint Branch Secretary of Portsmouth Health Branch, lost her battle with cancer. James Smith, Regional Organiser remembers her. Allison joined UNISON in 1990 and became a steward/health & safety representative in 1994. She became branch Women’s Officer in 2000, Assistant Branch Secretary in 2005, a Union Learning rep in […]

UNISON Isle of Wight Health Branch sponsor NHS football team

The Isle of Wight NHS Trust’s football team, the NHS Spartans, have received a brand new playing kit thanks to sponsorship by the UNISON branch. The team were presented with the new kit by Branch Secretary Jay Chappell (pictured). We spoke to team coordinator and UNISON member, Paul Hemmett, who started the team back in […]

UNISON achieves first pay rise in a decade at YOU Trust

UNISON members working in the YOU Trust have received their first pay rise in over a decade thanks in part to the contributions of local UNISON reps such as Darren Hart and Stephanie Churchill who were involved in the negotiations from beginning to end. The pay deal is complex but perhaps the most striking aspect […]

New PPE guidance for NHS teams

Updated rules reflect changing threat The UK Government and NHS leaders from a range of medical and nursing royal colleges have published new guidance about personal protective equipment (PPE) for NHS teams who are likely to come into contact with patients with coronavirus. The guidance has been agreed by the four Chief Medical Officers, Chief […]

New minimum wages rates take effect from today

New minimum pay rates come into force for many key workers, including care staff New national minimum wage rates come into force today, bringing a pay rise for care and other workers across the country whose vital, but low-paid, work has been highlighted in the current crisis. “Today’s pay rise will make a real difference […]

PPE Alert: Tell us what’s happening at work

We know how concerned you are about the lack of personal protective equipment (PPE) available to you. We want to collect stories from as many workers as possible so that we can make sure the prime minister and other senior politicians hear what you have to say. You are in the front line – your […]