On 16 August 2023, professional services staff from the University of Sussex walked out for 48 hours in a dispute over pay. Here’s a round-up from day 1 on the picket lines.
Industrial action will take place during ‘clearing week’, which will disrupt the process of filling courses with vacant spots, the union says.
Almost three-quarters of health members voted to accept the offer with over 150,000 having their say
Staff at the Universities of Sussex and Winchester are being balloted for strike action over pay from 4 April
After a decade of campaigning, UNISON has secured up to £2,000 for workers over historic pay inequality
Refuse staff in Ashford vote overwhelmingly to accept new pay offer after a sustained campaign by UNISON
UNISON is asking for the government to provide a decent pay rise to all NHS staff. We’re pushing for a £2000 pay increase for all employees, regardless of their role. But there’s another aspect to pay that easy to overlook – pensions. Although you pay a percentage of your earnings into the scheme and this […]
When local government employers met earlier this week to issue their revised pay offer of 1.75% – an increase of 0.25% that UNISON regards as ‘insignificant’ – they did so against a backdrop of growing discontent over a proposed increase that fails to reflect the hard work and sacrifices made by council and school workers […]
Negotiations with the Agency over 2021 have been conducted by the 4 recognised trade unions, UNISON, Prospect, GMB and Unite and we are now balloting you on whether you want to accept the offer that has been made. The Agency offer this year is delivering the pay freeze that the UK Government has announced for […]