Our LGPS divestment campaign continues!

UNISON activists gather in Winchester to protest against continued pension investment in fossil fuels

Fixed-term workers’ pension U-turn welcomed

Victory for UNISON over University Of Winchester pensions

Your union, helping you with your NHS pension

UNISON is asking for the government to provide a decent pay rise to all NHS staff. We’re pushing for a £2000 pay increase for all employees, regardless of their role. But there’s another aspect to pay that easy to overlook – pensions. Although you pay a percentage of your earnings into the scheme and this […]

UNISON will continue to oppose ‘outrageous’ exit payment plans

Thousands will suffer in retirement due to government’s public sector exit-payment cap, says UNISON

Enhanced support for family and friends of deceased UNISON members

Temporary change to death benefit for UNISON members announced

UNISON challenges ongoing discrimination against disabled people at work

Disabled members at conference in Manchester hear that capability is used as a weapon against disabled members

Article on the UNISON National site.

Pension consultation underway at the University of Southampton

Support members at the university and sign the petition to help save PASNAS

Raising the State Pension Age

The government announced on 19 July that they are planning to increase the State Pension Age from 67 to 68 for people between the ages of 39 and 46. This is likely to have a direct negative impact on the Local Government Pension Scheme and all other public service schemes. Members in this age group, […]

UNISON SE at the National Pensioners Convention Parliament

A report from our representative at the annual NPC Parliament

Women pension losers to lobby MPs on International Women’s Day, says UNISON

Women born in the 1950s who lost out on their state pension when the government made retirement age 65 for both men and women are lobbying MPs later today (Wednesday). The changes introduced in 1995 have affected approximately 2.6m women now in their late 50s and early to mid 60s, who’ve had barely any notice […]