It takes one to know one – the winners!

Thank you to all of you who got involved in It takes one to know one during November. Our winners in the prize draw have all been notified and will be receiving their shopping vouchers very soon. The lucky winners are: 1st prize £500 shopping voucher – Rehka Gandesha, Central & East Berkshire 2nd Prize £250 voucher – Grahame Stanley, Oxfordshire […]

A winter tradition: Supporting our communities

Trade unions like UNISON are there to help look after you at work. But our members are also part of communities outside of their workplaces – many of which rely on dwindling public services. We know that winter, the pressures of paying extra fuel bills and festive celebrations can stretch tight resources even further. There […]

South East motions successful at UNISON National Retired Members Conference 2019

South East Retired Members were well represented at the 2019 UNISON National Retired Members Conference in October. The South East Region Retired Members Committee proposed two motions, “Universal Credit and the effect on pensioners in mixed age couples” which was composited with motion 21 Southwest Region “Universal Credit and Pensioners” as amended by City of […]

Going for Growth in Radian Housing

For UNISON, November was “Go For Growth”. Across the union, UNISON branches worked to highlight the benefits of remaining a UNISON member, whilst making sure non-members were aware of the support they would get as members. As General Secretary Dave Prentis noted: It’s the third time we’ve run our successful recruitment campaign – Go for […]

It takes one to know one: meet our people – Gabby

Gabby Houlgraves UNISON Steward, Branch Communications Officer, Kent Local Government Branch How long have you been active in the union and what roles do you hold? I’ve been a member for 15 years. I’ve been active in UNISON since July 2018, and I’m currently a workplace steward and Branch Communications Officer. What made you take this […]

Union membership is a Human Right

10th December is Human Rights Day. This date marks the signing of the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights. As the United Nations explain: The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) is a milestone document in the history of human rights. Drafted by representatives with different legal and cultural backgrounds from all regions of the […]

Does your union know where to find you?

UNISON is a democratic organisation and branch annual general meetings are one way to make sure as a member that your voice is heard. But in the run up to their 2019 AGM, UNISON Hampshire Health branch had a problem. The branch posted out written invites to their members. But many of these letters were […]

How UNISON went for growth in Hampshire

Despite all the election talk, you will have noticed that across UNISON, November (and spilling on into December!) was a hugely busy time. As part of the Go For Growth initiative, branches across all the sections of our union were reminding their colleagues of the benefits of being part of the UK’s largest trade union. […]

Let’s get Equalities on the Agenda!

UNISON has a proud track record on tackling equalities issues and ensuring that equality is at the heart of our union. In order to do so, we need to ensure that equalities is discussed in our branches and our committees. We know that in each of our workplaces, and in each of our service groups, […]

’Tis the season to be voting!

Are you ready to make a difference? Because you can! By using your vote on 12 December you can save our NHS, help our schools, protect our communities and make a real difference to the people you care about. The future of our public services is at stake – please use your vote If you […]

It takes one to know one… meet our people – Emma

Emma Nand Union Learning Rep, Branch Communications Officer,  Southampton District Branch Branch based secondment, Union Learning Fund How long have you been active in the union and what roles do you hold? I’ve been a member of UNISON for 17 years, since I started work. I am 3 months into a 6 month secondment working one […]

It takes one to know one… meet our people – Rosita

Rosita Ellis Branch Chair, Oxfordshire Health Committee Chair, Regional Black Members Committee How long have you been active in the union and what roles do you hold? I have been a member of UNISON for around 15 years and have become more active in the last 10 years. I started as Black members officer in […]

Frimley strike postponed as trust agrees not to continue with privatisation plans, says UNISON

Eleventh hour agreement to discuss alternative options Strike action due to take place tomorrow (Monday) involving porters, security guards, cleaners and catering staff employed at Frimley Health Foundation Trust has been postponed following last-minute talks today (Sunday) between their employer and union UNISON. The UNISON members had planned to walk out for 48 hours this week – […]

Support the Frimley Strikers Hardship Fund

In August 2019, Frimley Health NHS Foundation Trust declared their intention to create a “Wholly Owned Subsidiary” company. This would mean transferring over 950 staff from Wexham Park, Frimley Park, and Heatherwood Hospitals, working in Portering, Estates, Security, Housekeeping, and Catering services to the subsidiary, stripping staff of their NHS status. The creation of subsidiary […]

Unsung heroes keep the NHS working on the Isle of Wight

The UNISON Isle of Wight Health Branch have been extremely privileged to sponsor the inaugural ‘Unsung Heroes Awards’ recognising the unfaltering work staff within the NHS undertake 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days of the year! Come rain or shine, hail and snow, these staff work tirelessly to care for the […]