It takes one to know one…recruit a rep this November

UNISON South East has gone from strength to strength over the last few months and is one of the top recruiting regions in the union. We’ve smashed every recruitment target going this year! That’s thanks to you, our activists, working in partnership with regional colleagues to spread the word about why UNISON is not only […]

NHS workers to strike at Frimley and Wexham Park Hospitals

Facilities staff at Wexham Park, Frimley Park and Heatherwood Hospitals have voted in huge numbers to take strike action in an escalation of their campaign to stay in the NHS. The hospital trust plans to privatise up to 1,000 NHS cleaners, caterers, porters, security and estates staff to a new ‘wholly owned subsidiary’ company early […]

Movers and shakers: meet the award winners at Strategy Weekend 2019

Branches across the region descended on the Penta Hotel in Reading at the weekend for the annual Strategy Weekend. After supporting the school climate strikers at lunchtime, delegates kicked off the weekend in style with a gala dinner and awards ceremony. We welcomed UNISON’s President, Josie Bird, and Assistant General Secretary, Roger McKenzie, to present […]

In pictures: UNISON at the school strike for climate

On Friday 20 September, thousands of children and adults walked out of their schools and workplaces across the UK to join the global climate strike. UNISON branches across the region helped mobilise members and co-ordinate local demonstrations – here’s a flavour of the day’s activities.          

Meet the new Lifelong Learning team in Southampton District Branch

Helen Capstick, ULR at Solent University I have been a member of UNISON since 2011 but have become more active in recent years when I took on the role of Union Learning Representative (ULR) at Solent University. I became a ULR as I wanted to use my skills to develop more informal learning sessions for […]

We can’t let no-deal Brexit wreck our NHS

At TUC Congress in Brighton, UNISON warns that the health service could be brought to its knees without a deal

General Secretary Blog: a brilliant branch building on their many strengths

It was great to visit Southampton district branch today, and meet up with a great group of activists who have taken their branch and our members through a very difficult period. Whether they’re old stewards returning to the fray or new branch activists, particularly women activists, recruited to support their colleagues, this is a branch […]

Over Two Hundred Protestors Tell Frimley “No Way WOS-ay”

On Friday 19 July, over two hundred members of staff from across Frimley and Wexham Park Hospitals stood together and showed the trust that privatising the NHS by the back door will not be taken lying down. Despite bucketing rain, staff turned out in droves to make sure their voices couldn’t be ignored. Frimley’s attempts […]

UNISON mourns the tragic loss of Lorna Mooney

The much respected campaigner and Deputy Regional Convenor died suddenly on 15 July 2019

Housing isn’t a crisis, but an emergency

National delegate conference backs a range of approaches to tackle the shortage of affordable housing in a passionate debate A passionate debate at UNISON’s national delegate conference saw the union put forward a range of measures to tackle the housing crisis – or, as one speaker put it, the “housing emergency”. The debate in Liverpool, […]

UNISON to fight backdoor privatisation of Frimley Health NHS Trust

Plans by Frimley NHS Trust to transfer the jobs of caterers, porters, security workers and administrative staff to a private company are a form of back-door privatisation that will be opposed, says UNISON. More than 800 workers could have their roles moved to a wholly owned subsidiary company being set up by the trust as […]

System of second class NHS workers must end

Private companies employing tens of thousands of staff in the NHS across England are coming under pressure to give their employees a wage rise as UNISON’s campaign for fair pay in the health service escalates. Workers at contracting giants – including Compass Medirest, Serco, Mitie and ISS – are today (Tuesday) calling on company chief executives […]

Environment Agency UNISON members set to take industrial action

UNISON Industrial Action at the Environment Agency Pay 2018 Following a ballot of members at the Environment Agency there was an overwhelming rejection of the derisory 1.3% pay increase that was imposed be the Agency. UNISON members will now be taking general action short of a strike involving “working to rule” and not showing normal flexibility; […]

There for You School Uniform Grant

Get help with school uniform costs this summer. There for You has set up a limited fund to help UNISON members on low income. To apply, download the application form from or contact UNISONDirect on 0800 0 857 857. Download Application Form School Uniform Costs Leaflet

Public Inquiry into the Windrush Scandal Petition

Dear Friend We believe there should be an independent public inquiry into the Windrush scandal & the injustices faces by multi -generations & other communities who came to the UK from Commonwealth countries. We support this petition by the PCS Union which has been launched in my name on the union’s behalf. . The petition […]