UNISON responds to Labour’s pledge for NHS staff

Responding to Labour’s NHS election pledge, to be announced by shadow health secretary Jon Ashworth today in Liverpool -at UNISON’s annual health conference – UNISON general secretary Dave Prentis said: “NHS staff give one hundred per cent day in, day out with many doing life-saving work. Yet they’re struggling to get by on below-inflation wages. “Lifting the […]

Hospital staff paying ‘extortionate’ charges to park at work, says UNISON

Some hospitals are charging NHS staff, including low-waged nurses and porters, ‘extortionate’ fees of nearly £100 a month to park, says UNISON today (Wednesday). The Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust is one of the top chargers with full-time staff paying £85.38 a month to park at the Royal Free Hospital site. Others include the […]

28th April is Workers’ Memorial Day

Each year on 28 April, International Workers’ Memorial Day (IWMD) is marked around the world to Remember the Dead, Fight for the Living. We remember those killed, made ill, or injured by their own or someone else’s work. Their pain and suffering and that of their families should not be forgotten. We also renew our […]

Don’t trust the Conservatives with the NHS, says UNISON general secretary

Speaking to UNISON’s annual health conference in Liverpool today (Monday), general secretary Dave Prentis said: “With the election just over six weeks away, the NHS needs those who have the will, the spirit and the dedication to fight for it, and to save it. “When the country goes to the polls, everything that matters to […]

General Election 2017: It’s time to fight for public services

Despite repeated promises that there would be no general election before 2020, Theresa May did another massive u-turn this week and announced that the country will be going to the polls on June 8. She blamed other political parties for her decision because they had the audacity to challenge her on ‘hard Brexit’, which we […]

General Election 2017: Make sure you’re registered to vote

The Prime Minister has called for a snap General Election to be held on June 8th- just seven weeks away. Am I eligible to vote? You can vote in the referendum if you’re registered and are 18 or over on the day of the vote. You must be one of the following: •    A […]

Fifteen minute care makeover from hell

Claire Sweeney stars in our new short film with a difference

Regional Campaign Funds Update

Branches, Regional Committees and Regional Self Organised Group can bid for pots of funding for recruitment and campaigning initiatives.

Canterbury City UNISON: International Women’s Day Event

Linda Elvin and Natalia Sukhram of Canterbury City local government branch are still fairly new to being active in UNISON. They have attended the regional women’s forum for the last couple of years, attended national women’s conference for the first time in February and have completed a number of the courses in the Branch Women’s […]

Cuts forcing social workers to ‘brink of burnout’, says UNISON

Social workers are struggling with heavy caseloads, working longer hours and going without lunch breaks, according to a survey by UNISON and Community Care magazine. Nearly half (48%) of respondents said the volume of cases they were responsible for left them feeling ‘over the limit,’ and more than half (56%) blamed staff shortages for their heavy workload. […]

Women’s History Month: meet our women activists

Meet Julia O’Connell, Branch Women’s Officer for Isle of Wight Local Government. This month we’re celebrating all things women, and what better way that to shine a light on some of our key women activists in the region? Our activists do thousands of different roles- from representing members in hearings, campaigning for equality in the workplace to leading local […]

Women’s History Month- meet our women activists

Meet Cathy Roblin, the Women’s Officer from Southampton District Branch. This month we’re celebrating all things women, and what better way that to shine a light on some of our key women activists in the region? Our activists do thousands of different roles- from representing members in hearings, campaigning for equality in the workplace to leading local recruitment activities. So, […]

Unionlearn – take the Union Reps survey now

Unionlearn (part of the TUC) is currently conducting a short online survey of union reps supporting learning and training in order to get an-to-date picture of their activities. It would be helpful activists from across the region complete the survey. Find out more and take the survey now.

Blog: Support WASPI, Support State Pension Equality

by Jeanette Smith, UNISON Hampshire Local Government branch

UNISON South East members join the march for our NHS

The NHS will last as long as there are folk left with the faith to fight for it | founder of the NHS Aneurin Bevan