Search News and Blogs, Events tagged member learning

Skills for the Future: 38,000 thank-yous

UNISON Learning and Organising Services would like to say a huge thank you to every one of the members who completed our Skills for the Future learning survey. The survey closed at the end of last month, and now a research team at the University of Exeter is examining the responses. Over 38,000 people responsed, making […]

Learning News on the UNISON College site.

Delivering the perfect Learning At Work Week

Learning At Work Week takes place every May, and is organised by the Campaign for Learning, with the aim of drawing attention to the importance and benefits of learning and training in the workplace. ULRs often take a central role in organising Learning At Work Week activities as they provide a great opportunity to introduce […]

Learning News on the UNISON College site.

Beyond the stereotypes: learning for young members, by young members

Matthew Hodgson is a UNISON learning rep and branch young members’ officer for United Utilities in the North West. In this blog he talks about his own experiences as a learner and explains how branches can reach out to young workers with learning opportunities. As a young person I was sadly treated with a stereotypical […]

Learning News on the UNISON College site.

Using learning activities for recruitment and retention in Grovember

A number of branches in the South East used UNISON’s member learning opportunities as a way to recruit new members and engage with existing members. Activists from Hampshire Local Government Branch offered members and potential members the opportunity to develop their professional skills and build their confidence, with a ‘Power to be you’ taster session. […]

Article on the UNISON South East site.

Help us shape the future of learning

They will also provide us with evidence that we can use to make the case to the government, employers, and other organisations, for high quality training for the entire workforce. Click […]

Learning News on the UNISON College site.

Britain needs a pay rise national demonstration – 18 October

UNISON organisers delivered interactive, wellbeing-focused workshops such as ‘Managing Stress’ and ‘Improving Confidence’, and they had a […]

Article on the UNISON South East site.

“I have found my voice”

Elizabeth Cameron is a UNISON activist and a member of UNISON’s National Black Members Committee. When she was elected onto the National Executive Council she wanted to understand more about the trade union movement. She spotted an advert in Labour Review magazine for Ruskin College, and found out that she could apply for a UNISON […]

Learning News on the UNISON College site.

Boosting our members’ digital confidence

It’s Get Online Week from 15 to 21 October – as the use of digital technology increases in the workplace, we want members to try one thing online to increase their digital skills and gain digital confidence

Article on the UNISON National site.

Dyslexia Awareness Week

This first week of October is Dyslexia Awareness Week. Dyslexia affects around 10% of the population, and mainly influences the way that people process, store and retrieve information. The theme this year is ’21st Century Dyslexia’, focusing on technology that can assist people in the workplace, at school and at home. Find out more at the […]

Learning News on the UNISON College site.

Useful Member Learning Reading Links

Unionlearn:   Promoting Unionlearning 2018 booklet Unionlearn: Supporting black & minority ethnic apprentices For Branches: UNISON Organising Space Unionlearn Climbing Frame Kickstart funding for branches The Reading Agency For Members: UNISON E-notes UNISON Financial support for learning TUC E-notes TUC Youtube Channel

Article on the UNISON South East site.

Activist Spotlight | Jenny Ford Life Long Learning Coordinator

For Learning at Work Week, I used to run events where we would invite all the local FE colleges to come in and promote the courses they could offer staff. Now I am Joint Branch Secretary, and […]

Article on the UNISON South East site.

Proud to support Reading Ahead

UNISON was delighted to host the launch event for the Reading Agency‘s 2018-19 Reading Ahead challenge at UNISON Centre on 13 September. Reading Ahead is an initiative that encourages less confident readers to choose six pieces (which could be books, articles, poems, blog posts…) and write a brief review of them. It aims to get people […]

Learning News on the UNISON College site.

A winning partnership

‘Like lots of my people my age, I didn’t grow up in a family with an expectation that I’d go to university. I had a disastrous time in primary school and was removed from mainstream classes.  This was perhaps due to frequent spells in hospital.  Teachers also mistook my shyness and lack of confidence for […]

Learning News on the UNISON College site.

Agenda for Change consultation (England only)

Discover a huge range of courses at e-Careers - with everything from computing basics to PRINCE2® project management, via bookkeeping, web […]

Learning News on the UNISON College site.

A week with Learning and Organising Services

Student Will Kitto spent a week with Learning and Organising Services earlier this summer as part of his work experience programme. Here’s what he had to say about his time with us… I was fortunate enough to have undertaken a two-week work experience placement in the Learning and Organising Services department at UNISON Centre. I […]

Learning News on the UNISON College site.