Search News and Blogs, Media, Jobs, Text Modules tagged black members

University of Brighton branch release Anti-racism Toolkit

The branch hope their new toolkit will aid members in identifying and confronting racism in the workplace

Article, Black members news on the UNISON South East site.

Show Racism the Red Card’s new film challenges racism towards NHS workers

Show Racism the Red Card has launched a new video which follows the stories of frontline NHS staff as they recount their experience of racial discrimination at work. The film has contributions from UNISON members and Roger McKenzie, Assistant General Secretary of UNISON, along with a number of high profile footballers from Show Racism the […]

Article on the UNISON South East site.

COVID-19: Black and female workers – more impacted than the rest

Anyone can be infected by COVID-19. But it’s increasingly clear that that’s where the equality ends

Article on the UNISON South East site.

Looking Back; Planning Ahead

Reviewing the year at our 2017 Black members AGM and putting plans in place for next twelve months

Article on the UNISON South East site.

Message of Support for the Chris Kaba Campaign

24 year-old Chris Kaba was killed following a police car pursuit on 5 September which ended in South London. An inquest into Mr Kaba’s death will be opened on 4 October. In a statement the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) said it would “explore all of the circumstances surrounding the unarmed father-to-be, including whether […]

Black members news on the UNISON National site.

Nominations now open for the 2024 Nelson Mandela Award

Many members will be aware that Nelson Mandela was an honorary member of UNISON. In his lifetime he received over 260 awards including the Nobel Peace Prize. To honour his achievements, the National Black Members’ Committee (NBMC) present the Nelson Mandela Award each year to a Black member who has gone above and beyond. If […]

Black members news on the UNISON National site.

Blog: We can’t truly commemorate Windrush until we have justice

If Windrush had never docked, we wouldn’t be celebrating 75 years of our treasured NHS this year, because many of that generation went to work in the health service

General Secretary, General Secretary's blog on the UNISON National site.

Ethnicity Pay Gap Campaign

About the Ethnicity Pay Gap Campaign The Ethnicity Pay Gap (EPG) cost Black workers over £3.2 billion in lost wages in 2018 (Resolution Foundation). This gap is getting wider. The Ethnicity Pay varies across regions and sectors. In London the gap is over 23.8 per cent.  The impact of this loss of pay pushes Black […]

Black members news on the UNISON National site.

Challenging Racism in the Workplace – Bargaining Leaflet

Read our new bargaining leaflet on Challenging Racism in the […]

Black members news on the UNISON National site.

Blog: George Floyd’s murder, one year on

The public protests in the wake of George Floyd’s murder challenged corporations and institutions to address the glaring racial disparities in their organisation and in society

Blogs on the UNISON National site.

Meet Rakiya Suleiman – Winner of the 2021 Nelson Mandela Award

In 2015, the National Black Members’ Conference established the Nelson Mandela Award, to be presented each year to a member who has ‘gone above and beyond’ for Black people – within the union and in the wider society. Amongst our Black membership we recognise that there is an abundance of talent and that many people […]

Black members news on the UNISON National site.

Blog: This avoidable crisis

The Lawrence Review endorses UNISON’s view that decades of discrimination have left Black communities over-exposed and under-protected from COVID-19

Article on the UNISON National site.

​Some employers only paying lip service to Black staff’s fears

The stakes are too high for employers to get this wrong

News, Press release on the UNISON National site.

Ramadan and COVID-19

As the first week of Ramadan fasting comes to a close, UNISON has been working across regions to ensure Muslims members are supported during this important month

Article, News on the UNISON National site.

President thanks Black members for all their work

Gordon McKay uses speech to damn a government working to ‘undermine and punish working people’

Article on the UNISON National site.