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Education unions’ agree statement on the safe reopening of schools

Ministers should step back from 1 June target and put safety first

Article on the UNISON South East site.

Let’s talk self-care – Wellbeing Webinar

Throughout the current Covid-19 national emergency, we’re seeing once more the importance of learning for people’s wellbeing and mental health. UNISON South East’s Regional Learning and Development Organiser, Abbey Dunn, and Area Organiser, Vicki Gibbs, have developed an hour long wellbeing webinar for all members within the South East. It is vital that we look […]

Article on the UNISON South East site.

Petition launches to get COVID tests for all education staff

It takes a whole team to keep schools, nurseries, colleges and universities running, but when the health secretary announced the list of workers that will […]

Article on the UNISON South East site.

Member Education: Time for Change series resources available

With only two webinars in the series left to host before its conclusion, the South East Education Team have held six webinars for members across the region since September, as part of the ‘Time for Change’ series. Webinar topics have included Redundancy Support and Information, Finding a Job, CV Writing, Interview Advice, Stress and Change […]

Article on the UNISON South East site.

Campaign to protect Moulsecoomb Primary continues

Community march planned for 15 May

Article on the UNISON South East site.