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Black members summer 2023 newsletter

The latest edition of the UNISON South East Black members newsletter has been published now.

Article on the UNISON South East site.

“We’re so excited and we have so much planned!”

2023 is UNISON’s Year of Black workers and to celebrate we’ll be sharing the experience of Black workers from around the region. This video message is from Susan Cooper-Olawale.

Article on the UNISON South East site.

It’s time to smash the barriers and break the walls around Black people

And it’s there both on a systemic level and for some a personal level too. And despite decades of civil rights campaigns and calls for equality […]

Article on the UNISON South East site.

It’s time to climb out of the shadows and into the limelight!

I recall my parents trying their best to comfort my brothers and me by reinforcing the message that we are so lucky and should always be grateful […]

Article on the UNISON South East site.

Powerful anti-racism debate opens UNISON health conference

The motion ‘Challenging racism in the NHS’, noted that data from the NHS Workforce Race Equalities Standard (WRES) continues to show that higher levels of Black workers are […]

Article on the UNISON South East site.

A watershed moment in attitudes towards racism – remembering Stephen Lawrence

I want it to act as a catalyst for permanent and irrevocable change, not just across our public services, but across the whole of […]

Article on the UNISON South East site.

Embracing equality on International Women’s Day

UNISON women – imagining a gender equal world

Behind the headlines, Magazine on the Magazine site.

Taking year of Black workers into the heart of government

The event was hosted by Bell Ribeiro-Addy (Labour MP for Streatham) and with several other MP’s in attendance who all sympathise and want to progress […]

Article on the UNISON South East site.

Women and trade unions

Women have always been central to trade unions and the fight for a more equal society. To celebrate Women’s History Month we’ve put together a timeline of some of the key dates for women and the trade union movement

Magazine, moving on the UNISON National site.

Women’s equality at risk of being put back 25 years by the pandemic

Currently at 15%, the gender gap still needs to be bridged, women’s conference is told

Article, News on the UNISON National site.

Equality calendar 2023 launched

The UNISON South East Equality Calendar for 2023 is now live! View this year’s equality calendar Equality is at the heart of everything we do as a union, and we want to make it as easy as possible for UNISON members to get involved. We hope it will be useful for you in knowing when […]

Article on the UNISON South East site.

Year of Black Workers 2023

UNISON national officer for race equality Margaret Greer said: “The Year of Black Workers will focus UNISON on the important issues that affect Black members and their everyday lives, with […]

Page on the UNISON South East site.

Activists gather in Edinburgh to launch Year of Black Workers

Delegates make their voices heard at Scottish city’s International Conference Centre

Article, Black members news, News on the UNISON South East site.

Menopause Awareness

We run regular menopause in the workplace awareness sessions for public service workers in Wales, both as part of our region programme and in partnership with employers and UNISON Branches. These are the resources that sit behind the session, the recommended further learning available to you and your colleagues, and the sources of additional support […]

Page on the UNISON Cymru/Wales site.

Learn about mental health and the cost of living with Southampton District

Southampton District branch are hosting a lunchtime event where guest speakers will discuss a range of subjects around mental health and the cost of living crisis, with debt and well-being advice and more. Beginning at 12:30pm, the event at the John Hansard Gallery on Thursday 15th December will include lunch, mince pies and sherry! To book your place, […]

Article on the UNISON South East site.