This year is UNISON’s Year of Black Workers
UNISON has 185,000 Black members, most of whom work in health and local government services, with significant numbers working in social care and schools. Many deliver frontline services, and many are low paid.
UNISON national officer for race equality Margaret Greer said: “The Year of Black Workers will focus UNISON on the important issues that affect Black members and their everyday lives, with their lived experiences being central to our challenging racism in the workplace toolkit. This focus is vital in these testing times for race relations in the UK today.”
The National Black Members Committee (NBMC) launched Year of Black Workers in 2023 (YOBW23) campaign at its conference on 20 – 22 January 2023.
The running theme for the National Black Members Conference – and throughout the year 2023 – will be “establishing legacy to generate change”.
Key Dates – Event ideas
Below are specific days the SE Regional Black members committee would like to hold events. However, there are a number of dates throughout the year to choose from, which will be in the Equalities calendar (out shortly).
South East Region Black Members AGM – 28 March 2023 (online meeting)
Registration is now open to branch delegates to this year’s Regional Black Member AGM.
Please consider being nominated onto the committee and the regional and national seats within UNISON lay structures.
You can find out how to order and purchase physical resources to use in your branch for Year of Black Workers here. These include mugs, pens, lanyards etc.
This leaflet summarises everything we’re aiming to achieve throughout the year
The logos and graphics for use online for Year of Black Workers can be found on the UNISON Resource Space.
We have prepared a number of factsheets, guides, quizzes and toolkits to help members throughout the year:
- Challenging racism in the workplace toolkit
- Black LGBT+ History Quiz
- Factsheet 1: How to find a Black Members Officer
- Factsheet 2: Black members officer action plan
- Factsheet 3: Equality as a Standing Item
- Factsheet 4: Engaging with employer forums
- Factsheet 5: Bargaining guides
- Factsheet 6: Running a Black members event
- Factsheet 7: Campaign Planning
- Factsheet 8: How to set up a Black members Self Organised Group (case study)
- Factsheet 9: Anti-racism toolkit
- Factsheet 10: Year of Black Workers Toolkit
- Presentation: Further information on how to set up a Black members Self Organised Group