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Public sector pay cuts are the worst possible response

Government has no grasp of real people’s lives

News, Press release on the UNISON National site.

Nothing in statement to halt pay crisis across public services

Essential workers need to hear about pay as inflation outstrips funding

News, Press release on the UNISON National site.

Chancellor mustn’t ignore public services in his economic vision

Economy won’t thrive without investment in services and staff

News, Press release on the UNISON National site.

Out-of-touch chancellor is sacrificing public services for personal popularity

Public sector workers need pay commitment

News, Press release on the UNISON National site.

Inflation figures a nightmare for families and public services, says UNISON

Christina McAnea says extra cash needed for inflation-busting wage rises

News, Press release on the UNISON National site.

Government must ensure pay in key services is high enough to halt staff exodus, says UNISON

Frontline services, already struggling with a crushing number of vacancies, are losing employees at alarming rates.

News, Press release on the UNISON National site.

Divide and rule won’t help the economic recovery

Chancellor’s plan is austerity plain and simple

News, Press release on the UNISON National site.

Fair pay rise for council staff would be affordable, says UNISON

Headline cost is halved by economic benefits

News, Press release on the UNISON National site.

Parliamentary debate on lifting the cap must happen

Over 100,000 people have now signed UNISON’s petition on the parliamentary website calling for an end to the public sector pay cap, making a debate in Westminster look increasingly likely, says the union. The petition urges the government to lift the one per cent cap, and give everyone who works in the UK’s schools, hospitals, […]

News, Press release on the UNISON National site.

The Chancellor is “completely out of touch” on pay, says UNISON

Commenting on the Chancellor’s comments today (Sunday) on public sector pay, UNISON assistant general secretary Christina McAnea said: “The Chancellor’s remarks show he is completely out of touch. After seven years of a punishing pay cap, all public sector employees need a pay rise. “The care worker hurrying from house to house doesn’t feel overpaid, […]

Press release on the UNISON National site.

UNISON warns public sector pay cap must end

5 July 2017 For immediate use UNISON, the public services union, today stepped up their fight for fair pay and an end to the public sector pay gap. In a joint letter to all MPs representing constituencies in the east of England UNISON regional secretary Chris Jenkinson and regional convenor Becky Tye warned of growing […]

News, Press release on the UNISON Eastern site.

Pay Up Now: We need all UNISON members involved

It may now be August and summer is well under way, but for our major pay campaign – Pay Up Now – it’s still full steam ahead. We’re fighting for all public sector workers to get the pay rise you need and deserve, so there won’t be any let up in the campaign until the […]

News on the UNISON South East site.

Ministers must do much more to support the hard-up as inflation hits another high, says UNISON

Boost to public sector wages and benefits are a must

News, Press release on the UNISON National site.

Public service workers are falling way behind spiralling living costs

Rocketing inflation leaves staff struggling and harms recruitment

News, Press release on the UNISON National site.

Boris Johnson must prioritise pay for public sector workers, says UNISON

Dave Prentis writes to the Prime Minister calling for pay boost

News, Press release on the UNISON National site.