Search Pages, News and Blogs, Campaigns, Media tagged black members

Growing participation in UNISON South East

Since the AGM in 2020, work has been underway to identify barriers to participation with our regional democracy and identify new initiatives to grow activism in our region

Article on the UNISON South East site.

The Truth About Zane Campaign: Update

The debate focused on the inequality of Zane’s inquest and an amendment to the Environment bill. Watch the Green Party’s speech […]

Black members news on the UNISON National site.

Meet Kemoy Walker – Nelson Mandela Award Winner 2022

I do lots of things in my local community for the love and passion but it’s great to be recognised as a beacon of that community. It’s a […]

Black members news on the UNISON National site.

Get Active on Health and Safety

But even before the pandemic, racism at work exacerbated the health and safety risks Black workers face.  Third party racial harassment and abuse; bullying and precarious […]

Black members news on the UNISON National site.

UNISON Eastern activist Charan Sekhon awarded MBE

Charan, the first Sikh Environment Agency officer to receive the honour, is the founder of Bedford-based charity SEVA Trust UK, as well as a UNISON branch equalities and welfare co-ordinator and a […]

Article, News on the UNISON Eastern site.

Standing up for Black police staff

The gong, presented at a ceremony hosted by Bedfordshire Constabulary in Luton, is for a member of police staff who has actively and positively […]

Article, News on the UNISON Eastern site.

Voices of Black history

And it’s a time to invest in our young people from all races, for it is them who will lead the way to a future that has a shared history at its core! Mo […]

Article, News on the UNISON Eastern site.

Proud to Be! Celebrate Black History Month

As Black History Month draws to a close, we teamed up with Aspire Black Suffolk to speak to students from Suffolk One about their future aspirations and why Black history is important to them.

News on the UNISON Eastern site.

The importance of understanding Islamophobia

Racism in all its forms is objectionable. Islamophobia is a more nuanced form of hate. UNISON recognises the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) definition of Islamophobia, which is as follows: ‘Islamophobia is rooted in racism and is a type of racism that targets expressions of Muslimness or perceived Muslimness’ This is just one description – there […]

Black members news on the UNISON National site.

Celebrate Black history and create equality today

Black History Month does not just provide time and space for us all to celebrate the contributions of Black people in the UK but reflect on how British history […]

News, Regional Secretary’s Blog on the UNISON Eastern site.

Racial health inequalities: Redressing the balance

We’ve heard a lot about health inequalities since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, but what are they exactly? Health inequalities are the disparities in occurrence, diagnosis, treatment and outcomes between groups of people. Covid-19 has had a disproportionate impact on Black communities in the UK. A number of factors have contributed to this, including […]

Black members news on the UNISON National site.

Black History Month 2021

Black History Month is an opportunity to celebrate the the contributions of African, Asian and Caribbean people to the economic, cultural and political life in the UK. We’ll be hosting a Black History Weekend 15-16 October, featuring historian David Olusoga.

Campaign on the UNISON South East site.

Standing shoulder to shoulder with our Black colleagues

UNISON condemns the vile online racism towards the England football team

Article on the UNISON South East site.

UNISON equality survey 2021 – tell us about your experiences during the pandemic

Tell us about your experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic – and join the prize draw for shopping vouchers

Page on the UNISON National site.

Putting it on the calendar: learning and equalities at Loughborough University

Pride Month may be over but for Collina Angus, UNISON learning rep at Loughborough University, equalities are a year-round passion. That’s something that she’s combined with learning to create a dynamic, engaging series of online events, inviting experts to share their knowledge with members at the university. She began last October with an event for […]

Learning News on the UNISON College site.