Cancer in the workplace

2 December 2020 2:00pm–3:00pm

Online event

Trade Unions have been at the forefront of the campaign against the use of carcinogens in the workplace, including asbestos, which UNISON members are still working around.

UNISON reps can offer practical advice and assistance to members suffering from a range of cancers who might need adjustments to roles, working hours, place of work throughout their treatment and beyond. UNISON negotiates with employers to ensure that policies and procedures do not discriminate against those with cancer, or caring for someone with cancer.

This one-hour webinar will give participants some of the tools and knowledge needed to guide and support members who have been diagnosed with cancer or who have become carers for someone who has, and will include relevant case studies, as well as an examination of the impact of Covid-19 on those with cancer in the workplace.

We will:

  • find out more about cancer in the workplace, it’s causes and effects
  • become familiar with employment rights
  • determine the impact of Covid-19 on those with cancer
  • consider how to engage with members and employers on this issue

All members and activists are welcome to attend this webinar. To register, please email with your membership number.