Bullying in the Workplace: How to beat the bullies

16 November 2021 12:00pm–1:00pm

Online event

This webinar will give participants some of the tools and knowledge needed to recognise and deal with bullying in the workplace. Topics covered: Recognising bullying The impact of Workplace Bullying Workplace bullying and the law How to fight back with UNISON’s help If you would like to register to attend please email membereducationse@unison.co.uk with your […]

Community Committee

9 November 2021 10:30pm–12:00pm

Online Meeting

The regional Community Committee represents our members working across the South East’s charities, voluntary organisations and some private sector care providers.

Online Health & Safety Representatives Course

26 October 2021

This online course will be spread between Tuesday 26 October 2021 to Tuesday 30 November 2021. As the course involves group work and discussion, you will be expected to attend webinar based tutorials at fixed times. There are a number of other criteria which you must be able to commit to before embarking on the […]

ERA Refresher Training

26 October 2021

Online event

By law, all workplace representatives are required to undertake training at least once every five years to keep up to date and maintain their ERA certification. The refresher course aims to update reps on new legislation which is relevant to their role and introduce new developments within UNISON. Much like a face to face course, […]

Online Organising Stewards Course

25 October 2021

This online course will be spread between Monday 25 October 2021 to Friday 3 December 2021. The course is a combination of fixed tutorial times and independent flexible working. There will be 5 hours of work a week (for every week of the 6 week course), inclusive of the tutorial times. There are a number […]

Dealing with the Menopause

18 October 2021 4:00pm–5:00pm

Online event

The majority of our members are women which means they are likely to experience the menopause at some stage of their life. The menopause is not something spoken about often so it can cause difficulties at work and even discrimination. We will be exploring the ways in which menopause affects women and how UNISON can […]

Black History Month: Time to Celebrate! with David Olusoga

16 October 2021 9:30am–1:00pm


Join us for a one-day online celebration of Black History, featuring a talk from historian David Olusoga

Regional Committee

16 October 2021 11:00am–12:30pm

Online meeting (physical meeting if allowed)

The Regional Committee is the operational body of the Regional Council. The Regional Committee exercises the functions of the Regional Council between meetings and is accountable to Regional Council, to which it submits regular reports.   Outcome

Black History Month: Black Leadership Skills

15 October 2021 9:30am–4:30pm


Join us for a one-day online course on developing leadership skills for Black members, as part of Black History Month 2021.

International Relations Committee

14 October 2021 11:00am–12:30pm

Online Meeting

International Relations oversees our links with trade unions in other countries and also coordinates with international campaigns on a wide range of human rights issues and international development. Outcome

SE Welfare Committee

14 October 2021 11:00am–12:30pm

Online Meeting

The Welfare Committee is uniquely able to intervene with individual members in cases of great need.

Higher Education Committee

11 October 2021 1:50pm–3:30pm

Online Meeting

The Regional Higher Education Committee represents members across the regional service group and helps to develop campaigns and inform UNISON policy on behalf of Higher Education workers.

Disabled Members Committee Meeting

6 October 2021 2:00pm–3:30pm

Online Meeting

UNISON supports networks of self organised groups (SOGs) in branches and regions across the union. Our SOGs campaign for equality in the workplace and for improvements to legislation for workplaces and the wider community. The SOGs are represented at Regional Council and most other regional committees, but are accountable to their respective national group. Outcome

Regional Women’s Forum 2021 – Back To Work As Usual?

1 – 2 October 2021

Online meeting

This year’s UNISON South East Regional Women’s Forum takes place 1-2 October with a range of talks and workshops and a chance to network with other women in the region.

Community Committee

28 September 2021 2:00pm–3:30pm

Online Meeting

The regional Community Committee represents our members working across the South East’s charities, voluntary organisations and some private sector care providers.