SE Local Government Committee

15 July 2021 1:00pm–2:30pm

Online meeting

The Regional Local Government Committee represents members across the regional service group and helps to develop campaigns and inform UNISON policy on behalf of Local Government workers.

Find out more and have your say: National Young Members Weekend 2021

8 July 2021 7:00pm–7:30pm

Online Meeting

We have an exciting update regarding the National Young Members’ Weekend and would like to invite you to attend a meeting on Thursday 8 July at 7pm to find out more! The meeting will be held via Microsoft Teams, use the information below to join. Microsoft Teams meeting Join on your computer or mobile app Click […]

Disabled Members Committee Meeting

8 July 2021 2:00pm–3:30pm

Online Meeting

The Regional Disabled Members Committee represents Disabled members at a regional level, helping to develop campaigns and inform policy.

Higher Education Committee

8 July 2021 10:00am–11:30am

Online Meeting

The Regional Higher Education Committee represents members across the regional service group and helps to develop campaigns and inform UNISON policy on behalf of Higher Education workers.

Regional Committee

7 July 2021 11:00am–12:30pm

Online Meeting

The Regional Committee is the operational body of the Regional Council. The Regional Committee exercises the functions of the Regional Council between meetings and is accountable to Regional Council, to which it submits regular reports.   Outcome

ERA Refresher Training

6 July 2021

Online event

By law, all workplace representatives are required to undertake training at least once every five years to keep up to date and maintain their ERA certification. The refresher course aims to update reps on new legislation which is relevant to their role and introduce new developments within UNISON. Much like a face to face course, […]

International Relations Committee

1 July 2021 12:30pm–2:30pm

Online Meeting

International Relations oversees our links with trade unions in other countries and also coordinates with international campaigns.

Young Members Forum

29 June 2021 3:00pm–4:30pm

Online Meeting

The Young Members Forum represents young members at a regional level, helping to develop campaigns and inform policy.

Regional Honoraria Panel

10 June 2021 10:30am–11:00am

Online Meeting

Covid-19: All physical meetings and events postponed until end of December 2020.  Outcome

Negotiating Skills Workshop

8 June 2021 10:00am–1:00pm


This workshop is aimed at UNISON representatives who are involved in negotiations or who are likely to become involved in negotiations with management on policies, pay, change management, and conditions. It will help participants to: develop and practice negotiating skills be more effective team negotiators understand the process of negotiating be familiar with different styles […]

Publicity and Campaigning Committee Meeting

8 June 2021 10:30am–12:00pm

Online Meeting

This committee is responsible for the focus & direction of regional campaigning and communications work.

Promoting Positive Behaviour in Schools / Dealing with Pupil Violence

4 June 2021 1:00pm–3:30pm

We are running this online workshop aimed at schools support staff. The event will help UNISON members to: Understand how to prevent and manage challenging and violent behaviour developing Understand how to recognise and respond effectively to pupils/people presenting challenging or violent behaviour To examine the reasons why young people can display challenging behaviour To […]

Promoting Positive Behaviour in Schools / Dealing with Pupil Violence

4 June 2021 9:30am–12:00pm

We are running this online workshop aimed at schools support staff. The event will help UNISON members to: Understand how to prevent and manage challenging and violent behaviour developing Understand how to recognise and respond effectively to pupils/people presenting challenging or violent behaviour To examine the reasons why young people can display challenging behaviour To […]

Online Organising Stewards Course

3 June 2021

This online course will be spread between Thursday 3 June 2021 to Thursday 15 July 2021. The course is a combination of fixed tutorial times and independent flexible working. There will be 5 hours of work a week (for every week of the 6 week course), inclusive of the tutorial times. There are a number […]

Health and Safety Committee

26 May 2021 1:00pm–2:30pm

Online Meeting

This committee’s function is to coordinate and develop campaigning for improved health & safety provision across the South East.