Gearing up to support staff with mental health

UNISON members on the Isle of Wight have been getting equipped to support themselves and branch members

West Berkshire Branch: Your Friend at Work Awards

Celebrating those who go above and beyond for colleagues here at West Berkshire Council

Equality is at the heart of UNISON

As a result of COVID-19, many conferences and meetings have had to be cancelled. With this in mind, UNISON South East organised a series of online sessions in place of the usual regional Equality Conference–online and live. The Conference was opened by Regional Manager and Head of Equality, Jo Galloway. “This year has been like […]

A few more days to shape your union

With less than a week to go in the NEC elections, it is vital that as many members as possible use their vote

Health branches in South East make their feelings crystal clear

Over the past two weeks, Health Branches across the South East have once again made their feelings crystal clear, all NHS staff deserve a proper pay rise, and they will continue to campaign until one is delivered. The latest ‘2Daysfor2K’ took a step up from March/April, with 200 staff seen demonstrating at East Surrey along […]

Campaign to protect Moulsecoomb Primary continues

Community march planned for 15 May

Hampshire Constabulary’s staffing cut by nearly a quarter, says UNISON

Concerns raised that cuts have hampered the ability of the force to combat serious and violent crime

UNISON Hampshire Health and Southampton District left wreaths at the memorial bench in East Park

International Workers’ Memorial Day 2021

UNISON branches across the region commemorated those that died at work and signalled our intent to keep fighting to prevent future workplace deaths

Closure of One World Nursery would be a devastating loss to the local community

Staff ‘heartbroken’ at planned closure of much loved nursery at the University of Brighton

A landmark verdict

The conviction of Derek Chauvin must be the first step towards positive change to tackle racial injustice

Stephen Lawrence Day 22nd April 2021

Stephen Lawrence Day on 22nd April 2021. The third national Stephen Lawrence Day, which takes place on Thursday 22 April 2021 On 22 April 1993, Stephen Lawrence was murdered in a racially motivated attack, carried out by a group of white men. As the 28th anniversary of Stephen’s murder approaches, his mother, Baroness Doreen Lawrence […]

Disabled Members Training Programme 2021

This year we will be running 4 events as part of our disabled members training programme. We have created a varied timetable of events such as panel interviews, workshops and interactive lunch and learns. You will be able to attend any of the events which will all take place on Microsoft Teams and have been […]

UNISON members show what they think of a 1% NHS pay rise

On 31 March and 1 April members across the South East came out to campaign for an improved NHS pay award

Trans Day of Visibility 2021

UNISON has a long and proud history supporting the LGBT+ community, and ensuring that their voices are heard at all levels of the union. The 31st of March is International Transgender Day of Visibility, and Liv Naylor – co-chair of the region’s LGBT+ Self Organised Group – explains the significance of the occasion, and the […]

After a year of COVID, what have we learned?

This week marked a whole year since the country went into lockdown as COVID-19 surged across the UK. In that year, we have seen the government repeatedly mismanage the situation, ignoring the Govt advisory group SAGE warnings until they had no option but to act. Over 126,000 lives have been lost. As the nation fell […]