Social care wages scheme helps no-one, says UNISON

Commenting on the government’s new scheme for social care employers that sets out to address the problems where sleep-in staff have not been paid the minimum wage, UNISON assistant general secretary Christina McAnea said: “This scheme helps no-one. The care system is creaking at the seams, and no-one wants to see it plunged further into crisis. […]

Special Education Needs

In July 2017, the Department published four research reports relating to SEND. Three of these come from the DfE-funded ‘What Works’ project, which looked at SEN support for pupils in mainstream schools and colleges.  The fourth looks at the wellbeing of secondary school pupils with SEN. The reports can be downloaded at the links below: […]

School Funding England

School Funding England The Department for Education (DfE) has announced the outcome of their consultation of the future of school funding in England. There are some significant changes from the original proposals announced earlier in the year. They have stated that there will be an additional £1.3 billion pounds for school funding over the next […]

50 years of Choice for Women

The Abortion Act became law 50 years ago this week on 27 October 1967

Why public service employers should Pay Up Now!

The first two weeks of October saw UNISON branches across the region organise events to promote the work they do locally and to call for an end to the government’s pay cap. This cap means that the average public sector worker has seen a pay increase of just 4.4% between 2010-2016 – in real terms, […]

Cuts to mental health leave staff facing violence and aggression says UNISON

Reduced funding to mental health services across the UK and in the South East is leaving staff vulnerable to violence and aggression from patients, and means they cannot provide the level of care needed, says UNISON. The report, Struggling to Cope, paints a bleak picture of the country’s mental health services – for both staff […]

The timeline of a crime

You call 999, you’re put through to someone, the police arrive… But of course, it’s never as simple as that. UNISON members at Leicestershire Police take us behind the scenes

Pay cap must be lifted for police staff too, say unions

The government needs to come up with the cash to fund a decent pay rise for police staff this year or jobs and services will be cut, the GMB, UNISON and Unite have warned today (Monday). Police employers have said that without extra money from the Home Office, they are not in a position to make […]

UNISON welcomes West Sussex jobs move

Council brings safeguarding jobs back in house, citing fears that children are at risk because privatised contract delivers too few assessments

Sign. Share. Scrap.

UNISON’s petition calling on the government to scrap the pay cap is getting close to the 100,000-signature mark. Over 73,000 people have signed the petition on the government website in less than two weeks; if it reaches the 100,000-mark the government will be under significant pressure to debate the issue and scrap the cap. UNISON […]

It is time for real pay rises for all public service workers, says UNISON

Opening the debate on public sector pay today (Monday) at the Labour Party conference in Brighton, UNISON general secretary Dave Prentis said: “For millions of public service workers struggling to survive, there is no more pressing issue than lifting the pay cap. “They’ve suffered years of brutal austerity and vicious attacks on public services, overseen […]

New stewards receive a surprise visitor at their training

Newly trained stewards who attended a networking and training event on the 20th September at UNISON Centre were treated to a surprise visitor partway through the morning. The Leader of the Labour Party, Jeremy Corbyn, stopped in with Dave Prentis to say hello and talk about the value and importance of stewards. Mr Corbyn spoke […]

UNISON disappointed by pay offer for colleges in England

UNISON has today (Wednesday) expressed disappointment at the pay offer put forward by the Association of Colleges. The union believes the offer of a one per cent increase or £250, whichever is greater, will plunge college staff further into poverty. UNISON head of education Jon Richards said: “This offer is hugely disappointing. It will do little […]

UNISON welcomes government’s U-turn on selling off NHS Professionals

Campaign success for UNISON over the summer

Heartfelt thanks from Milton Keynes Food Bank and UNISON

On 30 and 31 August UNISON held collections for MK Food Bank at sites across the town