Unions join forces for Environment Agency strike next week

UNISON and Prospect to walk out on 8 February 2023

No cuts to pay, services or the right to strike

Members gather across our region in support of striking comrades

New opportunities for member learning

UNISON South East Free Learning sessions are here! Why not sign up for a course today.

Vote YES for the NHS: the ambulance re-ballot campaign rolls on!

UNISON activists and organisers are on the road speaking to SCAS and SECAmb members about why we need to put NHS Pay right today

Recap: Striking for fair pay in the Environment Agency

On 18 January 2023, Environment Agency workers across the South East took strike action over pay for the first time in their history.

Ministers must invest in Environment Agency staff or communities will be at risk

Workers who protect communities from floods, water pollution, spills and waste fires will walk out on Wednesday 18 January

Environment Agency workers to strike for the first time over pay

The cost-of-living crisis has reached a point where the lowest paid are truly struggling to make ends meet

Learn about mental health and the cost of living with Southampton District

Southampton District branch are hosting a lunchtime event where guest speakers will discuss a range of subjects around mental health and the cost of living crisis, with debt and well-being advice and more. Beginning at 12:30pm, the event at the John Hansard Gallery on Thursday 15th December will include lunch, mince pies and sherry! To book your place, […]

West Berks branch sponsor local charity team

Never mind the World Cup, meet the Newbury charity football team scoring for UNISON!

Kent Police to lose 232 PCSO posts

Cuts will be a disaster for local communities, says UNISON

Brighton and Winchester university workers strike again over wages

Staff at the universities will take their second round of strike action on dates between 24 and 30 November

Winter warning as Environment Agency staff vote for strike, says UNISON

Workers overwhelmingly back action over pay

2023 Training Programme Launched

Whether you’re an experienced activist, or a member looking to pick up some new skills, there’s something for every UNISON member in our new training programme

Strikes across the NHS edge closer as latest industrial action ballot begins

UNISON’s ballot of NHS workers is open from 27 October to 25 November 2022

Celebrating Black History Month 2022

Black Members in the South East unite this October