Search News and Blogs, Text Modules tagged education and training

Branches take the opportunity to promote adult learning

his week is Adult Learners’ Week, an annual opportunity to celebrate the value and pleasure of getting back into learning as an adult

Article on the UNISON National site.

Branch Officer Training Weekend 2024

UNISON Yorkshire and Humberside regional secretary Karen Loughlin said: “The branch officer training weekend is a fantastic chance to bring together passionate UNISON activists along with regional […]

Uncategorized on the UNISON Yorkshire & Humberside site.

Return to Learn: Learning and Organising in South Tyneside

The fifteen week course was aimed at UNISON members who had not taken part in formal education for some time or who had not found the success they wanted when they had been in […]

Article on the UNISON Northern site.

New opportunities for member learning

UNISON South East Free Learning sessions are here! Why not sign up for a course today.

Article on the UNISON South East site.

Let’s talk self-care – Wellbeing Webinar

Throughout the current Covid-19 national emergency, we’re seeing once more the importance of learning for people’s wellbeing and mental health. UNISON South East’s Regional Learning and Development Organiser, Abbey Dunn, and Area Organiser, Vicki Gibbs, have developed an hour long wellbeing webinar for all members within the South East. It is vital that we look […]

Article on the UNISON South East site.

Government ‘short-changing’ nurses on education and training, says UNISON ahead of Westminster debate

UNISON is urging MPs to highlight the urgent need for substantial investment in education and training for nurses and other healthcare staff.   The call comes ahead of a special debate later today (Wednesday) in Parliament on the future of nurse education funding that, the union says, has been severely hit by cuts.   The […]

Press release on the UNISON National site.

Derby school support staff vote ends 10-month dispute, says UNISON

Derby school support staff have voted overwhelmingly (nine to one) to accept the council’s latest offer, ending a 10-month dispute over pay and working time, says UNISON. Derby City Council had imposed changes last June that meant staff lost up to £6,000 a year, as their contracts were reduced from 52 to 44.5 weeks. Their […]

News, Press release on the UNISON National site.

‘Fair funding’ must also mean sufficient funding, say education unions

Organisations representing school staff, teachers and leaders – ATL, GMB, NAHT, NUT, UNISON and Unite – have updated the website after publication of the government’s final National Funding Formula proposals to reflect the funding losses facing each school in England

News, Press release on the UNISON National site.

UK’s largest academy trust’s caretaker cuts pose serious risk to pupils, say unions

Some schools face losing 50% of caretaking staff under an academy chain’s ‘controversial’ plans released today (Tuesday). Education unions have issued a warning over plans by London-based Academies Enterprise Trust (AET) to slash £1.4 million from its schools’ estates budgets. Under the plan AET is proposing to cut the number of buildings and estates staff in […]

News, Press release on the UNISON National site.

UNISON welcomes free school meals for England’s infants

‘Hot, healthy, nutritious’ school meals are key to a child’s development, says union

Article on the UNISON National site.

UNISON launches apprenticeships programme

UNISON launches scheme as part of its commitment to helping give young people hope for the future

Article on the UNISON National site.

Meet the people that make UNISON what it is

Without UNISON reps, there wouldn’t be a UNISON. Reps are the face of the union in the workplace and the first port of call when our members get in trouble. These volunteers make an immeasurable contribution to our union, often going far beyond the facility time available to make our public services better places to […]

Article, News on the UNISON Eastern site.

New Stewards add to UNISON’s strength in Durham and Middlesbrough

UNISON Northern Region strengthened its team of workplace activists with a highly successful Workplace Stewards course held in County Durham. The flexible, modular training course covered the topics of UNISON’s structure, equality issues, recruitment, representation and employment law. The eight talented and committed women members volunteered to become trained stewards to strengthen UNISON within their […]

Article on the UNISON Northern site.

Older workers deserve access to training, says UNISON

“UNISON welcomes this report and urges the government to enforce the recommendations […]

Press release on the UNISON National site.

UNISON calls for council oversight of academy school finances

Friday 26 August 2016 For immediate release Responding to the Local Government Association call for councils to have oversight of academy school finances, UNISON national secretary for education Jon Richards said: “UNISON has raised cases of suspected financial irregularity with the Department for Education, Education Funding Agency and the National Audit Office, all of which […]

News, Press release on the UNISON National site.